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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Collected Essays on Philosophy, Science, Aesthetics and Psychology 1884–1901
GA 30

No. Title Date Journal
10. A Clearer Look Into The Present 1884-11
42. A Hundred Years Back 1887-04-15
72. A New Theory of Geothermal Energy 1898-03-12
2. A Unified View of Nature and the Limits of Knowledge 1893-07-15 Monatsblätter des Wissenschaftlichen Clubs 14, 10
48. Adolf Steudel 1891-10-17
53. Against Materialism 1892-08-20
46. Allan Kardec 1891-07-04
64. Anton von Werner 1897-08-07
73. Arthur Adler 1898-04-09
80. Artist Education 1898-08-06
37. Bartholomew Carneri — The Ethicist of Darwinism 1900-11-03
44. Benefits of Goethe Studies 1889-11-20
82. Berlin Academy of Sciences on Leibniz 1898-07-30
84. C.A. Friedrich 1898-09-03
35. Chaos 1900-06-09
25. Charles Lyell 1897-11-27
19. Contemporary Philosophy and its Prospects for the Future 1892-03
28. Count Leo Tolstoy - What Is Art? 1898-04-30
47. Critique of Modernity 1891-06-25
67. Darwinism and the Present 1897-08-28
40. Dr. Richard Wahle — Brain and Consciousness 1885-11-06
45. Eduard Grimm 1891-01-24
17. Eduard von Hartmann His Teaching and its Significance 1891-01
74. Emile Rigolage 1898-04-09
86. Ernst Haeckel The Art Forms of Nature 1899-03-11
32. Ernst Haeckel and the “The Riddles of the World” 1899-10-21
43. Ernst Melzer 1887
54. Existence as Pleasure Suffering and Love 1892-11-17
69. Ferdinand Cohn 1897-11-20
51. Franz Brentano The Genius 1892-02-20
58. Franz Brentano on the Future of Philosophy 1893-04-22
7. Goethe Studies Fundamental Ideas 1900-07
8. Goethe Studies Morals and Christianity 1900-08
90. Goethe and Medicine 1901-01-13
15. Goethe as an Aesthetician 1888-12-23
1. Goethe as the Founder of a New Science of Aesthetics 1889-04 Deutsche Worte 9, 4
62. Goethe's Relations with German Naturalists and Physicians 1895
4. Goethe's Secret Revelation 1899-08
3. Goethe's View of Nature 1894
6. Haeckel and His Opponents 1899-08
71. Hans Busse 1898-03-12
88. Heinrich V. Schoeler 1900-01-06
39. Herman Grimm 1901-07-03
26. Herman Grimm on his Seventieth Birthday 1898-01-08
23. Hermann Helmholtz 1894-09-15
83. Huxley Lecture by Virchow 1898-10-15
5. Individualism in Philosophy 1899
16. Insights on Goethe's Scientific Works 1891
56. J. G. Vogt 1893-02-11
49. J. R. Minde 1891-12-19
65. Jacob Burckhardt 1897-08-21
13. Johannes Volkelt — A Contemporary German Thinker 1887-02-20
59. Journal for Philosophy and Philosophical Criticism 1893-04-29
61. Julius Duboc 1893-10-03
52. Karl Bleibtreu 1892-06-18
70. Karl Frenzel 18987-12-11
77. Karl Jentsch 1898-06-11
60. Leopold Drucker 1893-07-21
31. Ludwig Büchner 1899-05-13
76. M. Lazarus 1898-06-04
63. Modern Criticism 1897-06-10
38. Modern Soul Research 1901-02-03
33. Modern Worldview and Reactionary Course 1900-04-07
11. Nature and Our Ideals 1886
30. New Year's Reflection by a Heretic 1899-01-07
29. On Truth and Veracity of Works of Art 1898-08-27
21. On the History of Philosophy 1893-03-25
22. On the Question of Hypnotism 1893-04-08
20. On the “Fragment” On Nature 1892
87. Paul Nikolaus Cossmann 1899-12-30
57. R. V. Koeber 1893-03-04
85. Robert Zimmermann 1898-09-10
68. Rudolf Heidenhain 1897-11-06
9. Salvaging Goethe's Ideas Concerning Natural Science 1884-06-06
78. The Admission of Women to Medical Studies 1898-07-23
36. The Battles over Haeckel's “Welträtsel” 1900-10-01
27. The Beautiful and Art 1898-01-15
89. The Bressa Prize 1900-03-10
34. The Ingenious Man 1900-05-12
79. The Installation of Naturalist Busts on the Potsdam Bridge 1898-07-23
12. The Past and Current Reputation of German Philosophy 1886-12-30
14. The Spiritual Signature of the Present 1888-06
81. The-Seventieth Assembly of German Naturalists and Physicians 1898-10-15
75. Theater of Natural Spectacles 1898-04-16
41. Thomas Seebeck's Relationship to Goethe's Colors Theory 1886-10-17
18. Thoughts on Goethe's Literary Estate 1891-02
29. Truth and Verisimilitude in a Work of Art 1898-08-27
66. Viktor Meyer 1897-08-21
55. Weimar Goethe Edition 1892
24. Wilhelm Preyer 1897-07-07
50. Wilhelm Schölermann 1892-01-02