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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 6061 through 6061 of 6061

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284. Images of Occult Seals and Columns: Report on the Inauguration of the Stuttgart Building

And the whole interior of this solemn temple, designed with so much loving understanding, appeared to the beholder more beautiful and unified than could have been expected! If one may say so, there is a yardstick for the effectiveness of everything that is shaped into reality from artistic feeling; it is the yardstick that triggers the instinctive feeling: it cannot be any different than it is!
In this speech, Miss von Sivers emphasized with particular emphasis that we must greet with joyful satisfaction the founding of a Theosophical Home, such as Stuttgart now has, which arose from the most beautiful impulses and was made possible by generous donations. ; but that we must never lose sight of the great exemplary goal that is linked for us with the construction of an initially quite exceptional, spiritual-scientific place of care in Munich, despite the special interests of individual lodges. We must rather learn to understand better and better that the realization of such a university of theosophical spiritual striving, which does not want to limit its rays to a small radius but, due to Munich's favorable location, wants to extend them to the outermost periphery of its effectiveness, that such a university has become a vital necessity for us.

Results 6061 through 6061 of 6061

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