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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Anthroposophy, A Fragment
GA 45

The fragmentary writing Anthroposophie was written between the end of October 1909 and November 1910. On October 23, 1909 in Berlin, in the very first lecture of the series on Anthroposophy, which was held on the occasion of the 8th General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical Society, Rudolf Steiner announced that he wanted to publish a "short outline of anthroposophy" "as soon as possible." Shortly before the 9th General Assembly the following year, at the end of October 1910, he began sending the still unfinished manuscript to the printers. He corrected the printed sheets as they arrived and continued the manuscript. In November 1910, he interrupted work on the essay, which has remained unfinished ever since. Unresolved questions of research, linguistic form and lack of time due to being overburdened with other work prevented the completion of the writing, which Steiner still characterized in 1920/21 as a particularly important task of his work.

I. The Nature of Anthroposophy
II. The Human Being as a Sensory Organism
III. The World that Underlies the Senses
IV. The Processes of Life
V. Processes in the Human Interior
VI. The Sense of Self
VII. The World Underlying the Sense Organs
VIII. The World Underlying the Organs of Life
IX. The Higher Spiritual World
X. The Shape of Man