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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 29, 1923 29 Dec 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Automated Translation Show German during the Christmas Conference I have already told you something of the history of these Christmas plays on the occasion of the performance of the Paradise Play, so that today I would just like to speak about how these plays were actually performed in the German-Hungarian colonies where Karl Julius Schröer found them. So I will just briefly repeat that these Christmas plays, plays that had migrated from their Central European homeland to the east as early as the late 15th or early 16th century, were performed in the most diverse areas of Hungary well into the 19th century.
And when the Advent season approached, the Paradeis play was performed, as we did it here a few days ago, at Christmas time the Christ-Birth play and at the time of the Feast of the Epiphany the Herod or Three Kings play, which you will see or have already seen.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 31, 1923 31 Dec 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
In the Christmas play, one sees quite clearly that one is dealing with something that comes directly from the folk mind.
It was in these circles that plays such as this Christmas play, the Christ-Birth-Play, came into being. On the other hand, the play that we will see today was combined with the Christmas play only through an incomprehensible misunderstanding on the part of my old friend and teacher Karl Julius Schröer, I believe, and the two plays are not at all compatible in terms of style.
But again, when you look at the whole complex of this Christmas game, you can see the great value placed on it by the Moravian Brethren community, which had moved from what is now Czechoslovakia to the east - they were, after all, the most excellent most ardent supporters of the Christmas play.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: January 6, 1924 06 Jan 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And that seems to be the origin of these Christmas games. It is the case – and we can still see this today – that these Christmas games were really still being played in the 13th and 14th centuries across the Rhine, perhaps later in northern Switzerland, at most in Brienz.
Because these Christmas plays had precisely this fate, I would like to say, they remained completely unadulterated until very recently. Because, you see, Christmas plays originated everywhere in older times, before and after the Reformation, and were gladly played.
180. Et Incarnatus Est 23 Dec 1917, Basel
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
That the Christmas festival celebrated this year belongs to the Easter festival that follows thirty-three years later, while the Easter festival we celebrate this year belongs to the Christmas of 1884.
Since the Christmas tree, which is but a few centuries old, has now become the symbol of the Christmas festival, then, my dear friends, those who stand under the Christmas tree should ask themselves this question, “Is the saying true for us that is written by the testimony of history above the Christmas tree: Et incarnatus est de spiritu sancto ex Maria virgine?
Inspired by such a consciousness, the Christmas festival will again be celebrated by humanity sincerely and truly. Its celebration then will express not a denial but a knowledge of that being for whom the Christmas candles are lit.”
169. The Festivals and Their Meaning III : Ascension and Pentecost: Whitsun: A Symbol of the Immortality of the Ego 06 Jun 1916, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Christmas is a festival connected above all with the joys of childhood, a festival in which a part is usually, if not always, played by the Christmas Tree brought into the house from snow-clad nature outside.
All these things are evidence of an intimate connection with nature. That Christmas is a festival linked with nature is symbolised in the Christmas Tree, and the birth, too, leads our minds to the workings and powers of nature.
And how beautifully this comes to expression when the Christmas thought, the Easter thought and the Whitsun thought are carried further! The Christmas festival is directly connected with earthly happenings, with the winter solstice, the time when the earth is shrouded in deepest darkness.
187. The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul 22 Dec 1918, Basel
Tr. Olin D. Wannamaker

Rudolf Steiner
And we can truly say that our age of new spiritual revelations will cast a new light upon the Christmas thought; that the Christmas thought will gradually come to be felt in a new form and in a glorious way.
Let us recall today, as we desire to enter deeply into the thought of Christmas, a saying reported to have been uttered by Christ Jesus which can rightly lead us to the Christmas conception.
Then will the Christmas conception become powerful again for humanity; then will mankind once more approach the Christmas festival in such a way as to draw forces for the physical life out of the Christmas conception, which can remind us in the right way of our spiritual origin.
187. How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again?: The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul 22 Dec 1918, Basel
Tr. Alan P. Shepherd

Rudolf Steiner
One meets the question of gifts and capacities that create such inequality among men in connection with the thought of Christmas. Future Christmas festivals will point to the origin of this vast difference throughout the world in human capacities, talents, even genius.
“Oh, Christian,” says the new Christianity, “turn your thoughts to Christmas! lay upon the Christmas altar all the differentiation you have received through your blood! sanctify your capacities, gifts, genius as you behold them illuminated by the light coming from the Christmas tree!”
We wanted to enter more deeply into the thought of Christmas which is so closely related to the mystery of human birth. We wanted to bring in brief outline what is revealed to us today from the spirit as a continuation of the thought of Christmas.
202. Search for the New Isis, the Divine Sophia: The Quest for the Isis-Sophia 24 Dec 1920, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This is how we must look upon the content of the Christmas festival. For many modern people Christmas is nothing more than a festival for giving and receiving presents, something which they celebrate every year through habit.
Ask yourselves whether the feelings in your hearts and souls when you stand before the Christmas tree and open the presents which are given out of habit, and the Christmas cards containing the usual phrases—ask yourselves whether feelings are living in you that can raise humankind to an understanding of the meaning of its evolution on earth!
We should learn to say to ourselves: If we can manage to work together in love on the great tasks, then, and only then, do we understand Christmas. If we cannot manage this, we do not understand Christmas. Let us remember that when we do sow discord, this discord hinders us in understanding the one who appeared among human beings on the first Christmas on earth.
165. The Ancient Christmas Plays and a Forgotten Spiritual Current in Humanity: Lecture One 26 Dec 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
We have let two Christmas plays pass before our soul. We may perhaps raise the thought: Are the first and second Christmas plays dedicated in the same sense to the great human cause that is so vividly before our soul these days?
I will try to reproduce this 12th-century Christmas carol so that we can see how the simple man also grasped the full greatness of Christ and related it to the whole of cosmic life: He is mighty and strong, who was born at Christmas.
So that is in the language of the people: He is mighty and strong Who was born at Christmas...
187. How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again?: The Entrance of Christianity into the Course of Earth Evolution 24 Dec 1918, Dornach
Tr. Alan P. Shepherd

Rudolf Steiner
In what ways, dear friends, was it connected? The meaning that Christmas conceals is revealed later in the Easter conception. What then is the important aspect of Easter that really intensifies the meaning of Christmas?
The light illumines what we may call the birth of Christianity, the Christmas of Christianity. Along with the Easter meaning of anthroposophical spiritual science may this its Christmas meaning be understood.
My dear friends, let us feel something of this Christmas mood that is to enter our souls from spiritual science! I would like at this moment to begin Christmas solemnly, by expressing the wish—as my soul's innermost holy Christmas greeting—that you may experience the mood of consecration that wills to receive the new Christ-revelation.

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