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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 131 through 140 of 522

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158. Olaf Åsteson: The Dream Song of Olaf Åsteson 01 Jan 1912, Hanover

Rudolf Steiner
I already referred to this Dream Song in my Christmas address to you a few days ago. There I was able to say that the establishment of Christmas is by no means an imaginary one, one that has arisen from thought, but that the establishment of Christmas arises during the course of the year from very specific inner processes that can take place in the human soul when this soul comes to clairvoyant visions as the highest fruits of the soul, either through certain powers inherent in the natural course of things or through trained clairvoyance.
All the plants, all the sprouting and sprouted growth that sunlight and solar warmth conjure up in spring and allow to flourish throughout the summer, all this, as it were, enters into a winter sleep, into winter darkness, on a kind of winter path at the time when Christmas was moved from the historical consciousness of humanity. The time in which Christmas is celebrated seems to us like sleep, like the darkness of the natural world.
Of him I will sing. He went to rest on Christmas Eve. He slept for so long! He could not wake Before the thirteenth day The bird spread its wings!
165. The Ancient Christmas Plays and a Forgotten Spiritual Current in Humanity: Lecture Three 28 Dec 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Think how far apart what the simple person, the simple eye, sees in the Christmas plays is from the deep mysticism of a Meister Eckhart or a Johannes Tauler. But the beginnings of the Christmas plays fall into the time.
Easter and Christmas will only lead the way together if one can understand how Christ and Jesus belong together. And spiritual science will build the bridge between Christmas and Easter.
If we try to seek the spiritual in the context of what the Christmas plays showed us, then we will find it in the right sense as shepherds, not as innkeepers, who have already lost — as the Christmas play symbolically suggests — the connection with the Christmas child.
223. The Cycle of the Year as Breathing-Process of the Earth: Lecture II 01 Apr 1923, Dornach
Tr. Barbara Betteridge

Rudolf Steiner
And in all ancient times when something comparable to our present Christmas festival existed, it was recognized that what goes on in connection with the Earth at Christmas time could be grasped only by initiation into mystery-knowledge, by the initiation still known in Greece as the Chthonian Mysteries.
This was regarded as the secret—if I may express myself in the modern sense—as the Christmas secret of the ancient mysteries: that just at Christmas time one comes to know how the Earth, by being permeated and saturated by her spirit-soul-being, becomes especially receptive in her inner being to the activity of the Moon forces.
John's thought was perceived to be the counter-pole of the Christmas thought. As the Christmas thought by its inner livingness, has brought forth the St. John's thought after a half-year, so must the Easter thought bring forth the Michael thought.
158. Olaf Åsteson: The Awakening of the Earth Spirit 07 Jan 1913, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
To those however who have kept in touch with nature, what happens at Christmas time is not the same as what takes place at some other time in the year, for example, at midsummer.
Of him I sing to thee. He went to rest on Christmas Eve. A deep sleep fell upon him soon, And he could not awake, Till on the thirteenth day The people went to Church.
II I went to rest on Christmas Eve, A deep sleep soon enveloped me; And I could not awake, Till on the thirteenth day The people went to church.
169. Toward Imagination: The Immortality of the I 06 Jun 1916, Berlin
Tr. Sabine H. Seiler

Rudolf Steiner
Christmas is connected with the Mithras festival, which celebrates the birth of Mithras in a cave. Thus, Christmas is a festival closely linked with nature, as symbolized by the Christmas tree.
And how beautifully this is expressed in the elaboration of Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost! Just think, Christmas as we celebrate it is directly connected with earthly events; it follows immediately upon the winter solstice, that is, at the time when the earth is shrouded in deepest darkness.
We fix the date of Easter according to the relative position of sun and moon. You see how wonderfully Christmas is connected with the earth and Easter with the cosmos. Christmas reminds us of what is most holy in the earth, and Easter of what is holiest in the heavens.
165. The Problem of Jesus & Christ in Earlier Times 28 Dec 1915, Bern
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This is the greatest, most meaningful human need of our time. Until now, human beings have had a Christmas festival and an Easter festival, but these two festivals remained unrelated. Easter is a Christ festival, and Christmas a Jesus festival.
There is still much to be learned through the simple Christmas play, and because of this it seems to me a good idea to cultivate among us and to experience the Christmas mystery in this simplest of all forms.
If we look for the spiritual in connection with what the Christmas plays show us, we find it in the right way as shepherds, not as innkeepers who have already lost their connection with the Christmas child, just as the play shows us symbolically.
157a. The Forming of Destiny and Life after Death: Lecture on the Poem of Olaf Åsteson 21 Dec 1915, Berlin
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The whole content of this poem is connected with Christmas and the Christmas season. It treats of the Legend of Olaf Åsteson and contains the fact that Olaf Åsteson, a legendary person, passed the thirteen days between Christmas and the Day of Epiphany in a very unusual way.
Just that, which we desire and ever strive for, is intimately connected with this Christmas Mystery. And we should not merely regard this Christmas Mystery as that day of the year on which we fix up our Christmas tree, and, beholding it, take into ourselves all sorts of edification, but we should look upon it as something present in our whole existence, appearing to us in all that surrounds us.
The children had grown up without any instruction about the Christmas Festival. They had to pass Christmas Eve in that terrible situation, up above on the mountains, amid snow and ice, with only the stars above them, and this phenomenon of nature.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: Universal Law and Human Destiny 21 Dec 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Christmas Lecture Follow me for a few moments into the ancient Egyptian temples for a ceremony that was celebrated at midnight on the day that corresponds to our Christmas Day.
If we understand the ceremonies that took place on Christmas in Asia, India and even in China, then we understand what Christmas bells actually mean to us.
The life of Christ should also directly reflect the sun as it rushes across the firmament. His birth was therefore transferred to Christmas. Let us ask ourselves why. What happens to the sun at the time of the winter solstice, at the time of Christmas?
68c. Goethe and the Present: On “The Mysteries” by Goethe 31 Dec 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This should be done with particular solemnity at Christmas. We can understand that this has continued to have an effect into our time, since Christmas is in this season.
Initiates could see the power of Christ through the Earth at Christmas. With the coming of Christ into the Earth, the spiritual power of the Sun united with the power of the Earth, and that is the origin of the Christian Christmas.
What used to be a mystery festival became Christian Christmas. Now man should also feel the power of Christ in the daytime and in the Earth, not only in the sun.
180. On the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times: The 33 Year Rhythmical Cycle 26 Dec 1917, Dornach
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Now the fixing of the two outstanding festivals of Christianity—Christmas and Easter—has been done in a very significant way. Christmas is a so-called immovable Feast, coinciding approximately with the Winter Solstice.
Christmas is therefore an immovable Feast. Easter, on the other hand, is movable; determined by the positions of the Sun and Moon.
But there is a yet deeper meaning in it, that the time between Christmas and Easter is made to vary in successive years. We know that the Christmas Festival, properly speaking, belongs to the Easter Festival that follows 33 years later.

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