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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 15

Ich fühle wie verzaubert
Im Weltenschein des Geistes Weben:
Es hat in Sinnesdumpfheit
Gehüllt mein Eigenwesen,
Zu schenken mir die Kraft:
Die, ohnmächtig sich selbst zu geben,
Mein Ich in seinen Schranken ist.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 38

Ich fühle wie entzaubert
Das Geisteskind im Seelenschoss;
Es hat in Herzenshelligkeit
Gezeugt das Heilige Weltenwort
Der Hoffnung Himmelsfrucht,
Die jubelnd wächst in Weltenfernen
Aus meines Wesens Gottesgrund.

—Rudolf Steiner

I feel as if enchanted
In worldly glory, Spirit's weaving:
It has, in senses' darkness
Enfolded my own being,
So it might grant me strength:
Which, powerless to give myself
My "I" is in its narrow bounds.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

I feel the Spirit-Child
Set free from spell in womb of soul,
The holy cosmic Word conceived
In clarity of heart
The heaven-fruit of hope,
Which joyous grows toward farthest worlds
Out of my being's godly ground.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

I feel the Spirit weave
trance-charmed in the world's array;
in drowsihood of sense
it muffled my sole self
to tender me the strength
myself I am too poor to furnish forth
helpless within these narrow bounds.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

I seem, from trance now free,
nursed by a soul the Spirit-Child to see,
the fruit of heaven-ward hope
in cloudless heart by holy Word begot,
waxing, triumphing, world-filling,
my Essence and my God's from whence I spring.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

I feel as if enchanted
In shining World of Spirit-weaving,
It hath ensheathed my Selfhood
Within the dulling senses
To give to me the strength
Which powerless is mine I to master
Encased within its straitened bounds.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

I feel the spell as lifted
From Spirit-child in womb of Soul:
Within the heart's bright radiance
The Holy World-Word has begot
The heavenly fruit of Hope,
That grows with joy to cosmic distance
From my own being's ground divine.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

I feel the Spirit’s weaving
Enchanted in the world display:
My core of being it has wrapped
Within the stupor of the senses,
To grant to me the strength
That in its narrow bounds, my I
Is powerless to give itself.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

I feel, as though its spell were lifted,
The spirit child in womb of soul;
Within the heart’s still radiance
The holy World Word has begotten
The heavenly fruit of hope,
Which joyfully grows toward worlds afar
From out my being’s ground in God.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

I seem to be entranced
In the world play of Spirit's weaving.
In sense's stupefying spells it has
Enwrapped my own life being
In order to endow me with the strength
Which, hedged within its narrow bounds,
Mine I alone could not achieve.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

The Spirit-child within my soul
Seems from enchantment freed:
In joyous purity of heart
The holy Cosmic Word
Has borne hope's heavenly fruit,
Which from my nature's deeps divine
Streams forth, exulting, into cosmic distances.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

I feel as if enchanted
Within the world's fair glory Spirit's weaving:
It has enshrouded my own being
In dullness of the senses,
So It may give to me the strength
Which my own I within its bounds
Is powerless to give itself.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

I feel as from enchantment freed
The Spirit-child within the womb of soul;
In clear serenity of heart
The holy Cosmic Word has now begotten
The heavenly Fruit of Hope,
Which grows rejoicing into worlds afar
Out of my being's Godly ground.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

I feel the Spirit's weaving
As though enchanted in the cosmic glory,
In senses' dimness
It has enwrapped the being of my Self,
Strength to bestow on me
Which, powerless in its narrow bounds,
Mine Ego cannot give itself.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

I feel the Spirit-Child
Now conjured free within the womb of soul;
In clarity of heart
The holy Word of Worlds has now begotten
The heavenly fruit of Hope,
Which grows rejoicing into farthest worlds
Out of my being's ground divine.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

I feel, as if enchanted
In glory of the world, the spirit's weaving;
It has my selfhood's being
In senses' dullness shrouded,
To bestow on me the strength
Which my own I within its bounds
Is powerless itself to give.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

I feel as from enchantment freed
The Spirit-child in womb of soul;
The Holy Word of Worlds
It has in heart's bright radiance
The heavenly fruit of hope begotten,
Which groweth jubilant to farthest worlds,
Out of my being's ground in God.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

I feel as if enchanted
in the glory of the weaving Spirit.
It has nested my own being
inside the dullness of my senses —
to grant me the power
that I cannot give myself —
for my Ego lives
within its limitations.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

I feel as if the Spirit Child
in the womb of my own soul
has awakened from an enchantment.
In the radiance of my heart
the Holy Cosmic Word
has given birth to
the heavenly fruit of hope,
which grows, rejoicing,
into the vast universe,
growing out of God's ground
within my being.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

I feel enchanted weaving
Of spirit within outer glory.
In dullness of the senses
It has enwrapt my being
In order to bestow the strength
Which in its narrow bounds my I
Is powerless to give itself.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

The spirit child within my soul
I feel freed of enchantment.
In heart-high gladness has
The holy cosmic Word engendered
The heavenly fruit of hope,
Which grows rejoicing into worlds afar
Out of my being's godly roots.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

I feel as though enchanted
In an apparent spirit-woven world:
The sensory show has dumbfounded
And enfolded my solitary self,
Thereby granting me the strength,
Powerless myself to give,
To find my “I” in its embrace.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

I feel enchantment-freed
A spirit-child enfolded in soul;
It has within my heart in glory
Inscribed the holy word of worlds,
The hope-filled heavenly fruit,
So that joy will resound in distant worlds
Out of ways of God that are found in me.

—Tr. John Riedel MD