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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 14

An Sinnesoffenbarung hingegeben
Verlor ich Eigenwesens Trieb,
Gedankentraum, er schien
Betäubend mir das Selbst zu rauben,
Doch weckend nahet schon
Im Sinnenschein mir Weltendenken.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 39

An Geistesoffenbarung hingegeben
Gewinne ich des Weltenwesens Licht.
Gedankenkraft, sie wächst
Sich klärend mir mich selbst zu geben,
Und weckend löst sich mir
Aus Denkermacht das Selbstgefühl.

—Rudolf Steiner

Surrendered to the senses' revelation
I lost the drive of self existence,
And dream of thought, bewildering,
It seemed to rob me of my self,
But waking, now comes near
In senses' shining, cosmic thinking.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

Surrendered to the Spirit revelation,
I gain the light of cosmic essence.
The strength of thinking grows
And clarifying, grants me to myself:
And waking, frees itself
From force of thinking, self-awareness.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

Captive to all the pageantry of sense
I lost the pressure of my single being;
thoughts like to dreams
were spiriting my self away, it seems;
now — now in what the senses make appear
the Thinking of the World itself draws near.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

Devoted whole to Spirit's revelation
I win as my reward
the Light that is the substance of the world;
Mind, grown more clear,
lets now my self appear;
hid in the might of Thought true Selfhood shakes
its sleeping wings and wakes.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

Surrendered to the Senses' revelation
I lost all impulse of my own;
The Thinking-dream, it seemed
Benumbing me, of Self to rob me.
Yet, rousing, now draws near
In sense-world's glory, Cosmic Thinking.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Surrendered to the Spirit's revelation
Attain I Universal Being's Light.
The force of Thought grows clear
To give myself to my own keeping,
And waking there is born
From Thinker's power the sense of Self.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

To sense world’s revelation yielding
I lost my own impulse of being;
Thought’s dream seemed numbingly
To rob me of myself;
Yet even now there nears to wake me
In sense appearance, cosmic thinking.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

To spirit’s revelation yielding
I win the light of cosmic Being.
Thought-force, in growing, clarifies
To give my Self to me;
Awak’ningly, from thinker’s power
Emerges true Self-feeling.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

To sense's revelation given over,
I lost my being's drive,
It seemed a thought within a dream
In magic stole myself away,
However, waking, there appears to me
Within the play of sense the cosmic thought.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

When to Spirit revelation I surrender
The light of the World-Being reaches me.
The power of thinking grows
To give myself to me in greater clarity,
And as it wakens me
It sets free from the thinker's energy
An intimation of the Self.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

Surrendered to the senses' revelation
I lost the drive of my own being,
Thought-dream, benumbing me,
It seemed to rob me of my self,
But now, awakening, draws near
In senses' glory Cosmic Thinking.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

Devoted to the Spirit's revelation
I gain the Light of Cosmic Being.
Thought power grows
And clarifies to give my Self to me,
And wakening comes forth
From thinker's might my Sense of Self.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

To senses' revelation yielded up,
I lost the urge of Selfhood;
And thought-dreams, dazing me,
Seemed to deprive me of myself;
Yet waking me, draws near
In glory of the senses' Cosmic Thought.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

To spirit-revelation yielded up,
I win the light of Universal Being.
Now waxes power of thought
And growing clearer, gives myself to me;
Awakening me, there springs
From Thinker's might, experience of the Self.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

To senses' revelation wholly given
I lost urge of my own being.
The dream of thought it seemed,
Numbing, to rob me of my Self.
Yet even now, in glory of the senses
World thinking, wakening, draws near.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

Devoted to the Spirit's revelation
World-being's light I gain;
Thought power grows in clarity
To give my Self to me;
And wakening from thinker's might
Feeling of Self is freed.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

Surrendered to my senses' revelation,
I lose the urging of my own being.
The dream of thinking!
It appears —
dazzling me —
to rob my own self from me!
But in that sense appearance,
already fast approaching,
awakening me,
is —
cosmic thinking.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

Surrendered to the spirit's revelation,
I win back the light of cosmic being.
It grows and grows,
enlightening me,
to give my self back to me.
And this feeling of my self —
awakening —
unravels itself
out of my strength
as a thinker.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

Surrendering to senses' revelation
I lost the drive of my own being,
And dreamlike thinking seemed
To daze and rob me of myself.
Yet quickening there draws near
In sense appearance cosmic thinking.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

Surrendering to spirit revelation
I gain the light of cosmic being;
The power of thinking, growing clearer,
Gains strength to give myself to me,
And quickening there frees itself
From thinker's energy my sense of self.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

Embedded in these sunny days
I lose my self-controlling ways,
And dreamy thoughts, seemingly,
Have numbed and drawn me far away,
Yet awakening now I soon shall know,
Profound thoughts in the sensory show.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

Devoted to spirit-revelation
I attain the force of thought,
World-being’s light,
Which grows in clarity to give me myself,
And in awakening releases in me
Due to thinker’s might the sense of self.

—Tr. John Riedel MD