Rosicrucian Esotericism
GA 109
These lectures present an overview of the western Rosicrucian esoteric knowledge elaborating on the nature of the human being; the physical world as an expression of spiritual forces and Beings; the stages of earth evolution in Lemuria, Atlantis, and after Atlantis; and the human being's experience after death. This volume along with The Principle of Spiritual Economy completes the bulk of the German volume Bn/GA 109.
The ten lectures presented here were given in Budapest, June 3rd to 12th, 1909. They were translated from the original German by D. S. Osmond, from shorthand reports that were not revised by Dr. Steiner. In the Collected Edition of his works, the volume containing the German texts is entitled, Das Prinzip der spirituellen Oekonomie im Zusammenhang nit Wiederverkorperungs Fragen (Vol. 109 in the Bibliographic Survey, 1961).
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I. | Rosicrucian Esotericism | June 03, 1909 |
II. | Soul in the World around Us | June 04, 1909 |
III. | The Nature and Being of Man | June 05, 1909 |
IV. | Man Between Death and Rebirth | June 06, 1909 |
V. | The Physical World as an Expression of Spiritual Forces and Beings | June 07, 1909 |
VI. | The Configuration and Metamorphoses of Man's Physical Body | June 08, 1909 |
VII. | Evolutionary Stages of our Earth before the Lemurian Epoch | June 09, 1909 |
VIII. | Stages in the Evolution of our Earth. Lemurian, Atlantean, Post-Atlantean Epochs. | June 10, 1909 |
IX. | Man's Experience after Death | June 11, 1909 |
X. | On Karma, Reincarnation and Initiation | June 12, 1909 |