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Cosmic Workings In Earth and Man
GA 349

17th February 1923, Dornach

II. Life on Earth in Past and Future

(Questions were asked about Colours and Primeval Rock.)

DR. STEINER: I will first deal with the question about rock, as that can very well be brought into connection with the things we have been considering lately.

Now you know that when a building is put up on the earth, great attention has to be paid to the laws of weight, gravity and many others—the laws of elasticity, for instance, of which we shall speak presently.

Imagine that one builds a tower, a tower, let us say, like the one on Cologne Cathedral, or that one builds something like the Eiffel Tower. It is clear, of course, that it must be built in such a way that it does not fall. If one has accurate knowledge of the laws of gravity there is no need for the whole thing to fall down. Still, the highest towers on earth can only be built on a base, and if you carry upwards to a height about ten times the base—that is, one to ten, you can get the highest towers.

So with the ratio of one to ten the highest towers can be built—otherwise the motion of the earth, wind storms, etc., would make them fall.

But in addition one must take care that the towers are in themselves somewhat elastic. The top always rocks to and fro slightly. Attention must be paid to what is called the force of gravity. The tower will always rock, but as soon as it rocks too violently it collapses. The Eiffel Tower rocks quite considerably at the summit. But care must be taken that it does not get thrown out of its base.

Now if you look at—let us say—a blade of wheat, you find at once that these laws are not observed at all. A blade of wheat is really nothing but a tower, yet it has a tiny base. A wheat blade with its tiny base goes up high aloft, and if we reckon out the ratio it is certainly not one to ten, which must always be used in mechanical building. The ratio is much more like one to four hundred, and in many cases one to five hundred.

By the mechanistic laws we use on earth, such a tower would quite definitely have to fall down. For when it is shaken by the wind its elasticity forces cannot be understood at all by the laws that a mechanist must obey.

If you tried to set up something else quite heavy on the Eiffel Tower, you would find that it simply could not be done! But at the top of this tower, this blade or stalk, there is still the ear, and it moves to and fro in the wind. That, you see, contradicts all the laws of the builders.

Now when one investigates the substances of which this blade consists, one first finds wood, that is to say, one gets a woody substance which you all know as bast. You see it in trees. And next you find in it a real building material: silica, quartz, real silicic acid. But it is harder quartz than is found in the Alps, in granite, for instance, or gneiss. This quartz, then, forms a scaffolding.

Besides these it contains a fourth substance—water. Thus this mortar made from wood, bast, water and quartz enables the stalk to contradict all terrestrial laws. A blade of grass is also a tower built entirely of substances. It can be tossed in the wind, does not break, rights itself when the wind ceases or the weather is favourable and calmly stands upright again, as of course you know.

But forces such as these, forces which can build something like this out from the ground, are not to be found on earth, assuredly not. And if you ask: Well, where do they come from?—this answer must be given: The Eiffel Tower is dead, the blade of wheat is alive. But it does not get life from the earth, its life comes from the whole surrounding universe. [See Fundamentals of Therapy, by Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Ita Wegman. Chapter III, “The Phenomena of Life.”] On the Eiffel Tower, gravity works purely downwards, drawing it down. The blade, however, does not grow by supporting itself on what is below. If we build the Eiffel Tower we must lay one material upon another and what is beneath will always be the support of what is above. With the blade this is not the case; the blade is in fact drawn out towards universal space.

So if you picture the earth (a sketch was made on the blackboard) and there the blades of wheat, then because the universe is filled by a very fine substance called ether which lives in the plant, [See Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man, by Dr. G. Wachsmuth.] the wheat blades are all drawn out towards the universe. But life does not come from the earth, it comes from cosmic spaces, and we can say: life simply comes out of the universe.

In the same way, when the egg is formed in the body of the mother (I have spoken of this before) this body only provides the substance. It is the whole cosmos that works upon the egg and gives it life. In all that lives, you see, the whole of universal space is working.

Now if you consider the plant, it grows, to begin with, under the earth. (A sketch is made.) If that is the earth, the plant is growing within it. But the earth is not some sort of neutral lump, it is really miraculous. It contains all sorts of substances, but three were of quite special importance in ancient times.

One of the three is a substance which we call mica. Only a small amount is to be found in plants to-day, but even so it is extraordinarily important. If you have already seen mica, you can perhaps remember that it is formed of thin plates, so thin that they sometimes look transparent. And once upon a time the earth was interwoven by such little mica plates. They went in this direction (sketch). As long as the earth was soft, such forces were still in it. Opposing them were other forces: they went so (sketch) and thus there was a real grating of lattice-work in the earth. These other forces are to-day contained in quartz.

And in between is yet another substance—clay. This clay unites the two, it fills in the lattice-work, so to speak. As a rock it is called feldspar.

Thus at one time the earth was composed in the main of these three kinds of primeval rock. But it was all soft, like pulp. There was the mica, which was really at pains to have the earth formed of thin plates in a horizontal direction. Then there was the quartz, radiating in this direction, and then the feldspar cementing the two together.

We find these most essential constituents to-day when we take the clay soil that is everywhere in the fields. At one time they were all intermingled inside the earth, now they are to be found outside in the mountains. If we take a piece of granite, it is quite granular, simply composed of little scales. These scales are the thin places of mica broken into splinters. Then there are very hard grains in it—that is the quartz; and then combining grains—the feldspar. These three bodies are broken down, made granular and are to be found outside in the mountains. They form the base of the hardest mountain ranges.

Thus since the earth was soft they have been pounded and broken to bits by all manner of forces which work in the earth. But remains of these old substances, particularly remains of their forces, are still to be found everywhere in the earth and the plants are built up from them by the universe.

We can say therefore that when they are working to-day out there in the mountains, they can create nothing more. These rocks are broken up, crumbled away, crushed into grains and are too hard to become plant. But since the plant always gives its essential substances and forces to the seed, what is within the earth can still be used for building up the plant out of the universe.

Such a view as this, where one takes into account how the whole of cosmic space works together to produce life, is not found at all in modern science. You may have read of the lecture recently delivered in Basle where an explanation was given of how life must actually have arisen on earth. The lecturer said: Yes, it is difficult to imagine that through mere intermixing or chemical combinations of substances, life comes about on earth. Then it must have come out of the universe—but how?

Now it is interesting to see how a modern scientist pictures to himself the way in which life can have come out of the universe. He says to himself: Well now, if it is not on the earth it must have come from other stars. The nearest star which perhaps once threw off substances that then flew towards the earth is so far away that what was split off would take forty thousand years to reach the earth. One has to imagine that the earth was once a fiery-fluid body. There could be no life on it or else of course it would have been burnt up. But it cooled down and then it was able to absorb life if it had flown to it from the nearest star. Now one cannot imagine—said the lecturer—that a life germ, a little germ of life wandered for forty thousand years through cosmic space, especially as this has a coldness—not warmth—of minus 220 deg. C. This germ then would arrive at the earth and then life on earth would originate. Earlier, no matter how many germs had flown into it, they would have been burnt up. And when the earth had sufficiently cooled down they would have thriven. But this simply could not have come about, said the lecturer. Therefore we don't know where life comes from!

But one can see quite clearly that life comes out of the universe. One sees in reality that in everything living, not only earth-forces are at work. We use only the forces of the earth for the Eiffel Tower and so on. But in such a tower as this (blade of wheat) there work indeed not only the earth's forces but the forces of the whole universe. And when the earth was still soft, when mica, feldspar and quartz or silica, swam through each other in the fluid condition, then the whole earth was under cosmic influences; it was a giant plant. When you go out to the mountains to-day and find granite there, or gneiss—which differs from granite in being more rich in mica—they are the remains of this ancient giant plant. And just as when to-day the plant decays and gives over its mineral constituents to the earth, so, later on, the whole earth body as plant gave over its mineral constituents. And thus to-day you have the mountain ranges. For our hardest mountains originated from the plant nature, when the whole earth was a kind of plant.

I have already told you how the earth looked when this primeval rock had ceased to be in a plant condition, but all was still soft. Our present animals and men were not then in existence, but the Megatherion and all the creatures I described to you. But before all this came about, the earth was a giant plant in cosmic space. And if you observe a plant to-day and enlarge it, you find even now that it resembles the mountain formations outside. For the universe only acts on the plant as a whole; its minutest parts are already stone. Thus, briefly, the earth has once been alive and what we find to-day in the hardest mountain rocks is the remains of a living earth.

But the earth's solid, mineral matter has originated in yet another way. If you go out on the ocean you find island formations. Here is the sea (sketch) and at a certain depth under the sea there live tiny creatures in real colonies—the coral-insects or polyps. These coral polyps have the characteristic of continuously secreting chalk. The chalk remains there and the island is finally covered by their deposited chalk secretions. And then sometimes the ground sinks in here, is submerged and a lake is formed. There is a ring of chalk which the coral insects have left behind. Now the earth as a whole is continually sinking in the very regions where these polyps are depositing their chalk. They can only live in the sea itself, so they go down deeper and deeper, while the chalk is left behind up above.

Thus one can still find in the sea chalk deposits which are derived from living creatures, namely, the coral polyps. Formerly there was animal life where now in the Juras we find limestone or chalk. The limestone is the deposit of former animal life.

If you go into the central Alpine region where the hardest rocks are, there you have the deposited plants. If you go into the Juras, there you have what is deposited by animals. The whole earth has once been living; originally it was a plant, then an animal. What we have to-day as rock is the remains of life.

It is simply nonsense to imagine that life is built up from dead substances through chemical combination. Life comes out of the ether-filled universe. It is nonsense to say that dead substances could unite and come to life—what is called “original creation.” No, it is precisely the dead substances that are derived from the living, are deposited by the living. As our bones are separated out—in the mother's body they are not there at first—so is everything, our bony structure, etc., formed out of the living. The living exists first and only afterwards comes the dead. The ether surrounds us and it draws everything upwards just as the earth's gravity draws everything down. It draws upwards but it does not bring death, as gravity does. The more you inhale gravity, the more you become gouty or diabetic or something of the sort. To that extent we become dead. And the more the upward forces prevail in us, the more living we become.


I now come to a part of the question which Herr B. has asked. Let us imagine then that I have someone before me who is ill, and I can say to myself: What is wrong with him is that he has not enough of the forces that work outside in the universe. He has too much of the forces of gravity—everything imaginable is deposited in him. Now I remember! Yes, I say to myself, it was quartz, silica, that at one time let forces stream out into the universe. If I prepare silica in such a way that the original forces become active again, that is, if I make a preparation from silica, mix it with other substances by which the silica element gets etheric force again and give this as a remedy, then I may be able to make a cure. Very good results can come from a silica preparation. And so in medicine one can make use again of forces which at one time existed in silica in living form. Great achievements in medicine can be secured if one reflects upon the condition of the earth when it was fully alive, when the silica was still under the influence of the universe.

Therefore when too little is living in a patient and he needs a connection with the universe, i.e. gives him substances which lie hardened outside and which one can very well employ as medicaments.

The head projects most of all into the cosmos, therefore it is most easily healed with silica; the abdomen tends most towards the earth, hence it is most easily healed with mica. And that which lies more in the centre—lungs, etc.—that one heals very well with feldspar when one prepares it in the right way.

So now you see that when one understands nature, one also really understands what are healing forces in human nature. But one must have a real feeling for the fact that the universe acts upon our earth.

Now it is always only possible to explain certain things at certain times. And so I can explain to you the flight of birds from another aspect than the one I took before, when we were not so advanced. Our modern science thinks very abstractly about the flight of birds in autumn and spring. In spring the birds leave their warmer haunts and in autumn, when it gets colder, they desert the more northerly regions. But there are birds which fly over the ocean in a south-easterly direction and they fly very fast and make no halt in between. One can prove this because it can be shown that there are no islands at all on the routes such birds sometimes take. Moreover they fly very high and it is not possible, on the lines of ordinary science, to answer the question: what do they breathe up there! For one could only think that so high up they would be stifled.

Nor can people make out how these birds find their direction. It is sometimes said: Oh, well, that is an inherited faculty; the young ones have always inherited it from the older ones, and the old birds instruct the young and then it works very well—the young ones can also do it. So when autumn comes, the older swallows organise a school, the young ones are instructed, the old ones fly in front, the young ones behind and copy them. This is what people have imagined.

But not all birds of passage do this. In the case of migratory birds in South Africa, for instance, when spring comes here with us, the older birds fly away first and come back here. The young ones can hold out longer there because they are still strong. The old birds get away earlier from the dust and leave the young ones behind. They don't instruct them at all, don't act as guides; the young have to find their way quite alone.

Some people have said: Oh, well, birds see to a great distance. In fact if it is a case of Africa they would even have to see through the earth! One doesn't get very far with these things. But I will give you an example by which you can see how the matter really lies. There is something else about which one can wonder how it makes its way—namely, a ship. How does a ship find its direction if it is to sail from Europe to America? It takes its direction from the compass. When as yet there were no compasses it went rather badly with the ships; they had to find their direction from the stars. So they steer their course by the compass, that is to say, by forces which are invisible, which are present in the ether. These are the very forces by which the birds find their direction! Only we men have no longer a sense for these invisible forces. The birds, however, have a sense for them, they have an inner compass. What we only learn laboriously, by observing the etheric forces with compass, magnet, etc., a bird has within itself. It flies by the ether, by what is working in universal space.

And so we can say: the earth is everywhere surrounded by ether and the ether contains life-forces. They come from the universe, take hold of earthly substances and from them bring about the living.

But something always remains within as remains of life. When, for instance, you take coral chalk, there is always something left that a little recalls life, something that has branched off from the living. So it is possible to find all sorts of things within it still, which can be administered as quite a good remedy.

And if, as I said, you take silica, which has already become terribly hard, and make use of it as a medicament, you can heal head ailments very effectively.

Thus life is still within it. The whole of it has once been alive. We cannot say that minerals are still living to-day, but they have lived once. They were once constituents of life. There is a remnant left in them which we can extract by all sorts of means and through which they can serve very well as remedies.

So this question as to whether there is also life in stone has been answered. If people only calculate with the forces acting on earth, then they proclaim that the earth looked different millions of years ago. They take no account in this of heavenly space. I said to you lately that if one takes into account what comes from the heavens one does not arrive at anything like such vast numbers of years.

One discovers, however, that here in our regions everything was still frozen and covered with ice, while over in Asia there was already quite a high degree of civilisation with much wisdom spread among the inhabitants.

But one comes to see that in a certain way our earthly life depends on the life outside, the life in the universe. When one goes back six, seven, eight thousand years, the earth with its mineral rocks was quite different from what it is to-day; not so much externally, but internally quite different. And then one goes back farther and farther to the soft condition of the earth. If we want to direct ourselves by the cosmos, we must observe it in the right way.

Now one can observe the cosmos by observing the position of the sun's rising. At the present day the sun in spring rises on the morning of 21st March with the constellation of Pisces behind it. But if one goes farther back—for instance, into the times before the Birth of Christ, the sun rose, not in Pisces, but in the constellation of Aries. That means the vernal point has moved along. If the sun rises in spring on 21st March in Pisces, then about 2,160 years ago it rose in Aries, still earlier in Taurus, still earlier in Gemini. There are twelve such constellations.

Thus the rising position of the sun is always moving in a backward direction; it moves round a whole circle, so that the vernal point goes quite round the earth. Is that understandable? It is always moving farther round from west to east.

One therefore arrives at the fact that formerly the sun rose in Aries, earlier in Taurus, still earlier in Gemini, then in Cancer, Leo, Virgo, then in Libra, in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and then, as to-day, in Pisces. So when we go back 2,160 years it rose in Aries, another 2,160 years in Taurus, another 2,160 in Gemini, still another in Cancer, another in Leo. Then we come round again until at one time it was rising in Pisces. We come right round. (Sketch.) In 25,920 years the sun makes a revolution round the whole universe.

That is very interesting, and by such a course of the stars one can see how everything on earth changes. With the conditions brought by our present vernal point, we have our high mountains with the dead granite masses, containing feldspar, quartz and mica. It is all dried up, devastated. So it was, too, 25,920 years ago: similar conditions then prevailed on earth. But in between it was all different. For instance, the sun rose at one time in spring in Libra, between Virgo and Scorpio. Then the whole earth was alive, soft, was in fact a kind of plant. We need not go back more than 15,000 years at most, then through the quite different position of the sun the earth had a plant nature, and later an animal nature. We should be able to follow from the sun's course how the influences coming in from cosmic space have altered conditions on the earth.

You must think to yourselves, as you go back in time: the rock in the primeval Alps which is quite hard and solid to-day begins to flow, somewhat as iron flows in an iron foundry. It is naturally not quite the same, for when we go back the flow is reversed, as it were, it is in process of becoming solid. And if we go forward into the future, we shall again have the sun in Libra—for now it rises in Pisces, after 2,160 years in Aquarius, then in Capricorn, Sagittarius and once more in Libra, the Scales. At this future time when the sun rises once more in the Scales, the whole primeval Alpine range will have dissolved. The dense quartzes will have become fluid again, the earth will once more be plant-like and men and animals return to the condition in which they formerly were. In the meanwhile, however, they have absorbed all that they could take in on the earth.

So everything really goes in a circle. We look back to an earlier time when the earth and its hardest formations were fluid. Then the cosmos above brought forth such creatures as I once described to you; they arose through the in-working of heavenly forces and died out. Then all cooled down, solid formations arose and gradually there came the life of to-day. But it all goes back again. The granular quartz and granite, etc., are dissolved and former conditions return, but at a higher stage of evolution.

If you take in your hand a piece of granite containing quartz, you can say: This piece of granite with its quartz will at a future time be alive again. It has lived in former ages and to-day it is dead. It has formed solid ground upon which we can walk about. When we did not need to walk, the solid ground was not there. But one day it will come to life again.

In fact we can say that the earth sleeps as regards cosmic space—only the sleep is long, 15,000 years at least. When the earth was alive it was awake, it was in connection with the whole universe and the life forces of the universe brought forth upon it the great beasts. Later, as solidity was reached, these forces brought forth the human beings. Human beings nowadays have a pleasant time of it on earth—of course in regard to the universe too—they can go about on solid ground. But this solid ground will wake up again—it is really only asleep—it will wake up again and become active life.

If we take a piece of chalk, limestone, just an ordinary bit from the Juras, it is the remains of a portion of life. It is deposited from life, but someday it will be alive again, it is between life and life and is really only asleep.

Now we can use chalk, or calcium, very well as a medical preparation when, for instance, we find that children cannot absorb proper nourishment. This is particularly the case in Germany to-day—it is dreadful there now. When I recently went to Stuttgart to inspect the Waldorf School again, I visited the first Class. We have twenty-eight children in this Class, of whom only nineteen were present, the others were all ill. In another Class, fifteen were ill. And when one goes into it one finds terrible conditions. They brought a little boy into my consulting room and asked: What is to be done with him? He can no longer eat and the doctor has given him up.

Through persistent undernourishment, the digestive organs gradually form the habit of not being able to digest and they refuse everything. People can no longer eat, no matter how much one gives them. You can give them Quaker meals (The Society of Friends supplied the Waldorf School with food gifts) and everything possible, but nothing can help the child because his organs have ceased to act. He looks rather fat and greyish-yellow. What is to be done? The organs must first be made fit again to take in nourishment. Here one is well served by the little bit of life that is in calcium. When calcium is rightly used as a remedy, one can reawaken these sleeping digestive forces so that the child can live. One must give a mixture of calcium with other substances as it does not work by itself alone; it must be made to pass over into the organism. The calcium is absorbed if it is given in 5 per cent dilution.

But what is one using in giving calcium in this dilution? One is using the forces which once, in earlier times, were life forces in the chalk. They are still in it and can be used to reawaken life. But if one uses calcium in high dilution, in homeopathic doses, as one says, not 5 per cent but 5/10,000—not even 5 per 1,000 but 5/10,000—this, mixed with the other substances, acts on the head. It immediately becomes a remedy for the head.

If one gives the calcium allopathically it acts on the digestive organs, but in a quite high dilution it acts on the head and one can vary one's treatment in this way. It is also possible to ask: what is one using in the high dilutions of calcium? Here one is using the forces of the future which are still in it and will come into existence again in future ages.

You see, we must know nature in this way and then it can give us remedies. For there was once life everywhere and will be so again; death only stands between two lives. From primeval rock it is possible to use both past and future life forces in the right way.

This makes us realise something else. We find in our modern world both allopaths and homeopaths. The allopaths cure allopathically and the homeopaths, homeopathically. Well, but as a matter of fact many illnesses cannot be cured homeopathically, many must be cured allopathically. Remedies must be prepared differently. One cannot be a fanatic who swears by words, one must administer the remedies out of a full knowledge—sometimes so, sometimes so. Anthroposophy does not go in for catchwords—allopathic—homeopathic—but it studies the matter and says: the allopath works principally on the stomach, intestines, kidneys; there he is successful. Homeopathy is successful when the source of the illness is in the head, as in influenza. Many illnesses have their origin in the head. One must know how things really take their course in nature. People invent catchwords to-day as they no longer have real knowledge. Catchwords are always invented when things have ceased to be understood.

It is naturally not easy to arrive at the truth, for the allopath says: I have often cured such and such ... and the homeopath says: I have often cured such and such. ... Of course they always leave out the diseases they have not cured!

But take a man like Professor Virchow of Berlin, a doctor and professor who certainly could not be accused of not standing completely in modern medicine, who has even been called a genuine Liberal by the Free Thought Party. Yet with regard to cures he has been obliged to admit the following: “When a doctor in our modern medical world can show that he has cured one hundred people, the truth really is that fifty of these would have got well without him, and 20 per cent would have recovered even if he had used quite different remedies. So 70 per cent of cures are not to be attributed to modern medicine—30 per cent at most.” This is what Virchow calculated and he stood fully within the world of modern medicine.

It can definitely be stated that the right remedy, rightly employed, is effective; everyone can convince himself of that. Quicksilver, for instance, although it has after-effects, is nevertheless efficacious. And so one must just find the right thing. Sometimes it is terribly complicated, sometimes the organism has even become too brittle to stand the cure. But in a certain sense, through a real knowledge of what exists in nature, we can see how the various substances work. As dead substances they are really only in the middle between two periods of life and we can see their effect on man. But it is essential to have a real knowledge concerning their life.

Now the peculiar thing is that if one wants to understand anything, one must always start from life. Even in regard to colours we must take our start from life.

Sometimes when one sees modern pictures one has the feeling that there is no flesh behind, but that wood has simply been smeared with colour. Modern painters are quite unable to reproduce the tint of flesh-colour, because they have no living feeling that flesh colour is created out of the human being. Nowhere does it appear on any other material. One has to understand flesh colour and then the other colours can be understood. I will speak more about this on another occasion.

The child that they brought to me in the Waldorf School and who had been treated with calcium by the school doctor had completely lost the flesh colour and had become yellow from within outwards ... let us hope that people don't say that a proper remedy was not used! Living activity is inherent in colour and we are therefore experimenting in using the less dead for colours. So when we painted the Goetheanum we used plant colours as they come more from the living. In colour too you must go to life.

You see, the question as to whether rocks also have life was not so foolish, in fact it is quite intelligent. It has given us the opportunity of considering how the rocks are alive in the course of the earth's evolution, become dead again, and so on, and how human life is related to this.

Erster Vortrag

[ 1 ] Fragen werden gestellt in bezug auf Farben und in bezug auf Gestein.

[ 2 ] Ich will zuerst die Frage in bezug auf das Gestein behandeln, denn das kann ganz gut im Zusammenhange mit den Dingen behandelt werden, die wir bis jetzt betrachtet haben.

[ 3 ] Sie wissen ja, wenn man auf der Erde etwas baut, so muß man auf die Gesetze der Schwere, auf die Gesetze des Gewichtes und auf manches andere noch, zum Beispiel auf dasjenige - wir werden gleich darauf zu sprechen kommen -, was man Elastizitätsgesetze nennt, sehr Rücksicht nehmen. Denken Sie sich, man baut einen Turm, sagen wir, einen Turm wie den vom Kölner Dom, oder man baut so etwas wie den Eiffelturm. Da muß man natürlich immer sich klar sein darüber, daß man so bauen muß, daß die Geschichte nicht umfällt. Nun kann man, wenn man genau die Gesetze der Tafel 1* Schwere kennt, so bauen, daß die Geschichte nicht umfällt. Aber die höchsten Türme der Erde, die sind doch nicht anders gebaut, als daß man eine Grundfläche hat, und wenn Sie etwa zehnmal die Grundfläche hier herauftragen, eins zu zehn also, so können Sie die höchsten Türme bekommen. Also eins zu zehn ist das Verhältnis, in dem man höchste Türme bauen kann; sonst würden die Türme bei denjenigen Erschütterungen, die es immerhin gibt durch die Bewegung der Erde, durch den Windstoß und so weiter, umfallen.

[ 4 ] Aber außerdem muß man Rücksicht darauf nehmen, daß solche Türme in sich etwas elastisch sind. Die Spitze wackelt immer ein bißchen. Es muß das, was man elastische Kraft nennt, berücksichtigt werden. Die Geschichte wackelt immer, aber nicht zu stark; sobald sie zu stark wackelt, würde sie kaputt gehen. Der Eiffelturm wackelt an seinerSpitzeganz bedeutend. Aberesmußimmerdarauf Rücksichtgenommen werden, daß er aus seiner Grundfläche nicht herausfällt.

[ 5 ] Nun, diese Gesetze, die finden Sie sofort gar nicht beachtet, wenn Sie einen, sagen wir, Weizenhalm anschauen. Ein Weizenhalm hat eine kleine Grundfläche. Er ist in Wirklichkeit ja auch nichts anderes als ein Turm. Und ein solcher Weizenhalm, der hat eine kleine Grundfläche, geht da hoch hinauf, und wenn man da dieses Verhältnis berechnet, so ist es durchaus nicht das, was wir bei mechanischen Bauten immer einhalten müssen, eins zu zehn oder so ähnlich, sondern es ist zum Beispiel eins zu vierhundert, bei manchen Halmen eins zu fünfhundert. Also nach den Gesetzen, die wir als Mechaniker auf der Erde anwenden, muß ein solcher Turm unbedingt umfallen! Denn wenn ihn der Wind schüttelt, so sind seine elastischen Kräfte durchaus nicht so, daß Sie das nach den Gesetzen, die da der Mechaniker einhalten muß, begreifen können. Und wenn Sie dem Eiffelturm da oben noch etwas ganz besonders Schweres aufsetzen wollten, so würden Sie sehen, daß Sie das gar nicht könnten. Aber dieser Turm, der ein Halm ist, der hat oben noch die Ähre aufgesetzt, die im Winde schaukelt. Sie sehen, das widerspricht allen baumeisterlichen Gesetzen.

[ 6 ] Nun, wenn man die Stoffe untersucht, aus denen das gemacht ist, bekommen Sie erstens Holz, das heißt dasjenige, was man bei der UntersuchungdannalsStoff herauskriegt, ist ein Holzstoff; dann dasjenige, was man noch herauskriegt, ist das, was Sie ja auch kennen: Bast. Das sehen Sie bei den Bäumen. Und was dann noch drinnen ist, das ist nun ein richtiges Baumaterial, das ist Kiesel, Quarz, richtige Kieselsäure. Aber das ist harter Quarz, wie er sich in den Alpen findet und wie er zum Beispiel im Granit oder im Gneis drinnen ist. Also dieser Quarz, der bildet ein ganzes Gerüste. Und außerdem ist als vierter Stoff noch Wasser drinnen. Also der Mörtel, der da gemacht ist aus Holz, Bast, Wasser und Kiesel, der Mörtel, der macht dies, daß er widerspricht allen irdischen Gesetzen. Ein Grashalm ist also auch ein Turm, ganz aus Stoffen gebaut, kann im Winde geschaukelt werden, bricht nicht durch, richtet sich, wenn der Wind wiederum aufhört oder das Wetter ihm günstig ist, ruhig wieder auf. Das wissen Sie ja. Aber solche Kräfte, mit denen man so etwas von der Erde aus bauen könnte, gibt es nicht auf der Erde. Und wenn Sie fragen: Ja, woher kommen diese Kräfte? - da muß eben wiederum geantwortet werden: Der Eiffelturm ist tot, der Weizenhalm lebt. — Aber das Leben hat er nicht von der Erde, sondern das Leben hat er von der ganzen Weltumgebung. Geradeso wie auf den Eiffelturm die Schwere bloß nach unten zieht, so wächst der Halm nicht etwa so, daß er sich auf das Untere stützt. Wenn wir den Eiffelturm bauen, müssen wir ein Material übers andere legen, und durch das wird in der Tat immer das Untere das Obere stützen. Das ist beim Halm nicht der Fall. Der Halm wird nämlich gezogen nach dem Weltenraum hinaus. Wenn Sie also die Erde sich vorstellen und da die Halme sind, so werden sie alle nach dem Weltenraum hinaus gezogen, weil das alles ausgefüllt ist mit so einem feineren Stoff, den man den Äther nennt und der in der Pflanze lebt. Aber dieses Leben kommt nicht von der Erde, das kommt vom Weltenraum. Also wir können sagen: Das Leben kommt aus dem Weltenraum. Und darauf beruht es auch, daß, was ich Ihnen schon einmal gesagt habe, wenn sich das Ei im Mutterleibe bildet, der Mutterleib nur die Substanz hergibt. Dasjenige, was auf das Ei wirkt, das ist der ganze Weltenraum. Der belebt das Ei. Sehen Sie, so wirkt in alle dem, was lebt, der ganze Weltenraum drinnen.

[ 7 ] Wenn man die Pflanze ansieht, so wächst sie zunächst unter der Erde. Das wäre die Erde (es wird gezeichnet), da drinnen wächst die Pflanze. Aber diese Erde, die ist ja nicht eine gleichgültige Masse, sondern diese Erde ist eigentlich etwas ganz Wunderbares. In dieser Erde sind allerlei Substanzen. Aber in alten Zeiten waren drei Substanzen ganz besonders wichtig in dieser Erde. Das eine ist eine Substanz, die man Glimmer nennt. Man findet ihn heute in der Pflanze nur wenig; aber trotzdem er so wenig in der Pflanze gefunden wird, ist er außerordentlich wichtig. Sie können sich vielleicht erinnern, wenn Sie schon Glimmerblättchen gesehen haben, der Glimmer ist blättchenförmig, kleine Blättchen, die manchmal wie durchsichtig sind. Und die Erde war einmal von solchen Glimmerblättchen durchzogen. Die gingen in der Richtung (siehe Zeichnung). Als die Erde noch weich war, waren da einfach solche Kräfte. Und dem standen gegenüber andere Kräfte; die gingen jetzt so (siehe Zeichnung), so daß man ein richtiges Gitter Tafel 2 hatte in der Erde. Und diese anderen Kräfte, die sind heute im Quarz, im Kiesel enthalten. Und dazwischen gibt es noch einen anderen Stoff in der Hauptsache, das ist der Ton. Und dieser Ton, der verbindet diese beiden, der füllt gleichsam das Gitter aus. Man nennt ihn Feldspat als Gestein. So daß man einstmals die Erde in der Hauptsache aus diesen drei Gesteinssorten bestehend hatte. Aber es war alles weich, breiig. Da war der Glimmer, der eigentlich sich bemüht hat, die Erde blättchenförmig zu machen, so daß die Erde in horizontaler Richtung blättchenförmig gewesen wäre. Dann war der Kiesel drinnen, der so gestrahlt hat. Und dann war der Feldspat da, der beide miteinander verkittet hat.

[ 8 ] Diese hauptsächlichsten Bestandteile finden wir heute, wenn wir die Tonerde nehmen, die auf dem Felde überall ist. Diese drei Stoffe waren in der Erde einstmals durcheinandergemischt. Heute sind diese drei Stoffe im Gebirge draußen zu finden. Wenn wir ein Stück Granit nehmen, so ist das ganz körnig. Da sind lauter solche Splitter drinnen; diese Splitter sind zersplitterte Glimmerblättchen. Dann sind ganz harte Körner drinnen; das ist der Kiesel. Und dann sind verbindende Körner drinnen; das ist der Feldspat. Diese drei Stoffe sind zermürbt, körnig gemacht, und man findet sie heute im Gebirge draußen. Sie bilden die Grundmassen des härtesten Gebirges. Sie sind also, seitdem die Erde weich war, durch allerlei Kräfte, die in der Erde wirken, zerstoßen, zerstampft worden, sind durcheinandergebracht worden, und sie sind heute zermürbt in den Bergen draußen. Aber Reste dieser alten Stoffe, namentlich Reste der Kräfte dieser alten Stoffe, finden sich noch überall in der Erde. Und aus diesen Resten werden durch den Weltenraum die Pflanzen aufgebaut.

[ 9 ] Wir können also sagen: Ja, wenn diese Weltenkräfte heute im Gebirge draußen wirken, da können sie nichts mehr machen. Da sind diese Gesteine zermürbt, zerbröckelt, zerkörnt, und sie sind zu hart, als daß sie Pflanzen werden könnten. Aber bei dem, was in der Erde drinnen ist, da kann das noch - dadurch namentlich, daß die Erde immer noch ihre wichtigsten Stoffe, Kräfte abgibt an den Keim - verwendet werden, um die Pflanze aus dem Weltenraum aufzubauen.

[ 10 ] Sehen Sie, meine Herren, solch eine Betrachtung, bei der man darauf Rücksicht nimmt, wie der ganze Weltenraum zum Lebendigen mitwirkt, solch eine Betrachtung gibt es ja gar nicht in der heutigen Wissenschaft. Neulich ist, wie Sie vielleicht gelesen haben, in Basel ein Vortrag gehalten worden; da hat man auseinandergesetzt, wie eigentlich das Leben auf die Erde gekommen sein soll, und da hat der betreffende Vortragende gesagt: Ja, durch bloße Zusammenmischung oder chemische Verbindungen von Substanzen auf der Erde kann man sich schwer vorstellen, daß das Leben kommt; dann muß es doch aus dem Weltenraum kommen. Aber wie? - Nun, es ist interessant, wie ein heutiger Gelehrter sich vorstellt, daß das Leben aus dem Weltenraume kommen kann. Er sagt sich: Nun ja, wenn es nicht auf der Erde ist, so muß es von anderen Sternen kommen. Nun, der nächste Stern, der vielleicht einmal Stoffe von sich weggeschüttelt hat, die dann zu der Erde hergeflogen wären, ist so weit von der Erde entfernt, daß diese Stoffe, die da abgesplittert werden, vierzigtausend Jahre gebraucht hätten, um auf die Erde herzufliegen. Also müßte man sich vorstellen, so sagten die Leute, die Erde war einmal feurig-flüssig, ein feuriger Körper. Da hat es auf ihr kein Leben geben können, sonst wäre es natürlich verbrannt. Die Erde hat sich aber abgekühlt. Als sie sich abgekühlt hatte, da war sie so, daß sie nun das Leben aufnehmen konnte, wenn es ihr von dem nächsten Stern, von dem man denkt, daß es herkommen könnte, von woher es vierzigtausend Jahre gebraucht hätte, zugeflogen wäre.

[ 11 ] Nun kann man sich nicht vorstellen, meinte der Betreffende, daß ein Lebenskeim, ein kleiner Lebenskeim vierzigtausend Jahre den Weltenraum durchwanderte, der noch dazu eine Kälte, nicht eine Wärme, sondern eine Kälte von minus 273 Grad Celsius hat. Dann würde das auf der Erde ankommen, und wenn es ankommt auf der Erde, dann würde auf der Erde das Leben entstehen. Vorher hätten noch so viele Keime zufliegen können, da wären sie verbrannt. Und als die Erde genügend abgekühlt war, so wären sie gediehen. Aber das könnte ja eben nicht sein, sagte der Betreffende. Also weiß man nicht, woher das Leben kommt.

[ 12 ] Aber man sieht es ja, daß es aus dem Weltenraume kommt. Man sieht wirlich, daß in demjenigen, was lebt, nicht nur die Kräfte der Erde wirken. Denn die Kräfte der Erde verwenden wir ja für den Eiffelturm zum Beispiel. Und in einem solchen Turm hier (im Weizenhalm) wirken eben nicht bloß die Kräfte der Erde, sondern die Kräfte des ganzen Weltenraumes. Und als die Erde noch weich war, als in ihr also Glimmer, Feldspat und Kiesel flüssig durcheinander schwammen, da war die ganze Erde unter dem Einflusse des Weltenraumes, und da war sie eine riesige Pflanze. Wenn Sie daher heute hinausgehen in die Gebirge und dort den Granit finden oder den Gneis, der sich nur dadurch vom Granit unterscheidet, daß sein Glimmer zahlreicher ist, mehr hervortritt, wenn Sie also heute hinausgehen in die Berge und den Granit oder den Gneis anschauen, so sind das die Reste von diesen alten Pflanzenbildungen. Die ganze Erde war eine Pflanze. Und geradeso wie, wenn heute die Pflanze zugrunde geht, sie mineralische Bestandteile der Erde übergibt, so übergab der ganze Erdenkörper seine mineralischen Bestandteile, als er noch Pflanze war, später der Erde. Und da haben Sie heute die Gebirge. So daß man sagen kann: Die härtesten Gebirge, die entstanden sind, diese härtesten Gebirge, die sind aus dem Pflanzenwesen entstanden, und die ganze Erde war eine Art Pflanze.

[ 13 ] Ich habe Ihnen ja gesagt, wie es ausgeschaut hat auf der Erde, als dieses Gestein eben schon aufhörte, Pflanze zu sein, aber noch alles weich war. Da lebten nicht unsere heutigen Tiere und Menschen, sondern das Megatherium und alle diese Tiere, von denen ich Ihnen erzählt habe, Aber bevor das alles geschehen war, war die Erde eine Riesenpflanze im Weltenraum. Und wenn man heute eine Pflanze so anschaut, daß man sie vergrößert, so findet man heute noch: Das, was in ihr ist, schaut ganz ähnlich aus wie die Gebirgsbildungen draußen, weil eben das Leben, das aus dem Weltenraum kommt, nur noch auf die ganze Pflanze wirkt; die kleinen Teile sind schon Gesteinsmasse. — Also die Erde hat einmal gelebt, und dasjenige, was wir heute in den härtesten Gebirgsgesteinen finden, ist der Rest von dem, wie die Erde einmal gelebt hat.

[ 14 ] Aber noch auf eine andere Weise entsteht das harte Material, das Gesteinsmaterial der Erde. Wenn Sie in den Ozean hinauskommen, so finden Sie im Ozean Inselbildungen. Das ist also das Meer (es wird gezeichnet). Eine bestimmte Strecke unter dem Meere leben kleine Tierchen, die richtig in Kolonien leben: die Korallen. Diese Korallentiere haben die Eigentümlichkeit, daß sie fortwährend Kalk absondern. Der Kalk, der bleibt dann da liegen, so daß die Insel bedeckt wird von solchem abgelagertem Kalk, der von den Korallen kommt. Und manchmal senkt sich dann hier der Boden ein, geht hinunter, so daß sogar ein See entsteht. Dann ist so ein Ring da von Kalk, den die Korallen zurückgelassen haben. Überhaupt senkt sich gerade in denjenigen Gegenden, wo die Korallen ihren Kalk absondern, die Erde fortwährend, so daß der Kalk der Korallentiere, die nur im Meer selbst leben können, immer tiefer und tiefer geht. So daß man sagen kann: Man findet heute noch im Meere Kalkablagerungen, die von Tieren herrühren, nämlich von Korallentieren. Ehemals war das so, daß da, wo der Jurakalk ist, Tiere waren. Die haben den Kalk abgelagert.

[ 15 ] Gehen Sie in das Mittelalpengebiet, wo die harten Steine sind, so haben Sie dort, was die Pflanzen abgelagert haben. Gehen Sie hier in den Jura, so haben Sie das, was von den Tieren abgelagert ist. Die ganze Erde hat ja einmal gelebt. Ursprünglich war sie eine Pflanze, dann ein Tier. Was wir heute als Gesteinsmaterial haben, sind die Reste des Lebens.

[ 16 ] Es ist einfach ein Unsinn, daß sich durch chemische Verbindungen aus toten Stoffen Leben aufbaut. Das Leben kommt aus dem Weltenraum, den der Äther ausfüllt. Es ist ein Unsinn, daß die toten Stoffe sich zusammenmischen und leben könnten, was man «Urzeugung» nennt. Nein, gerade die toten Stoffe rühren her von Lebendigem, sind abgesondert vom Lebendigen. Wie unsere Knochen ausgesondert sind — im Mutterleibe haben wir sie zuerst noch nicht -, so ist alles, wie der Knochenbau und so weiter, aus dem Lebendigen heraus gebildet. Das Lebendige ist zuerst, und nachher kommt erst das Tote. Es ist so, daß der Äther uns umgibt, und der Äther zieht ebenso alles hinauf, wie die Erdenschwere alles hinunterzieht. Aber er zieht hinauf, indem er nicht, wie die Schwere, tot macht. Je mehr Sie die Schwere einatmen, desto mehr werden Sie gichtisch oder diabetisch oder so etwas; um so mehr werden wir tot. Und je mehr sich die Kräfte, die nach aufwärts gehen, in uns geltend machen, um so lebendiger werden wir.

[ 17 ] Sehen Sie, jetzt komme ich zu einem Teil der Frage, die Herr Burle gestellt hat. Denken Sie also, ich habe einen Menschen vor mir, der irgendwie krank ist, und ich kann mir sagen: Bei dem fehlt es daran, daß er zu wenig Kräfte hat, die in den Weltenraum hinaus wirken. Er hat zu viel Schwerekräfte. Es lagert sich alles mögliche ab in ihm. Jetzt erinnere ich mich: Donnerwetter, sage ich mir, der Kiesel, der war ja einmal dasjenige, was in den Weltenraum Kräfte hat hinausstrahlen lassen. Wenn ich mir den Kiesel so zubereite, daß in ihm die alten Kräfte wieder lebendig werden, wenn ich also aus Kiesel eine Arznei mache, das mit anderen Substanzen vermische, wodurch der Kiesel seine alte Ätherkraft wieder bekommt: gebe ich die ein, dann kann ich mit ihm heilen. Und mit diesem Kieselmedikament kann man großen Erfolg haben. Da kann man also in der Medizin wiederum diese Kräfte verwenden, die einstmals im Lebendigen beim Kiesel vorhanden waren, wie überhaupt die Medizin zu großen Resultaten kommen kann, wenn man nachdenkt darüber, wie es mit der Erde war, als sie noch ganz lebendig war, als der Kiesel noch vom Weltenraum beeinflußt war. Wenn also im Menschen zu wenig lebt und er eine Verbindung braucht mit dem Weltenraum, so gibt man ihm solche Stoffe ein, die draußen verhärtet liegen und die man sehr gut als Arzneimittel verwenden kann.

[ 18 ] Der Kopf geht am meisten in den Weltenraum hinaus, daher kann man ihn am leichtesten mit Kiesel heilen; der Bauch geht am meisten zur Erde hin, deshalb kann man ihn am leichtesten mit Glimmer heilen. Und das, was mehr in der Mitte liegt, Lunge und so weiter, das heilt man sehr gut gerade mit Feldspat, wenn man ihn in der entsprechenden Weise zubereitet.

[ 19 ] Nun, so sehen Sie: Wenn man die Natur versteht, versteht man tatsächlich auch dasjenige, was Heilkräfte in der menschlichen Natur sind. Aber man muß eben einen Sinn dafür haben, daß der Weltenraum an unserer Erde mitarbeiter.

[ 20 ] Sehen Sie, man kann immer bestimmte Sachen nur an bestimmten Stellen erklären. Da kann ich Ihnen von einer anderen Seite, als wir es vor einiger Zeit schon getan haben, weil wir da noch nicht so weit waren, den Vogelflug erklären. Ja, über den Vogelzug im Herbst und im Frühling denkt unsere heutige Wissenschaft sehr abstrakt. Die Vögel verlassen im Frühling ihre wärmeren Aufenthalte, und im Herbst, wenn es kälter wird, die mehr nördlichen Gegenden. Aber es gibt auch Vögel, die fliegen über den Ozean. Und es ist sehr eigentümlich, diese Vögel fliegen sehr schnell und rasten nicht dazwischen. Man kann das nachweisen, weil es gar keine Inseln gibt auf den Wegen, die solche Vögel manchmal nehmen. Die Menschen kommen nicht darauf, nach was sich diese Vögel richten. Einige haben gesagt: Nun ja, das ist eine vererbte Eigenschaft; das haben die Jungen immer von den Alten geerbt, und die alten Vögel unterrichten dann die Jungen, und dann geht es ganz gut, daß die Jungen das auch können. Also wenn der Herbst kommt, so richten die alten Schwalben eine Schule ein, die Jungen werden unterrichtet, die Alten fliegen voraus, die Jungen hintennach und machen das nach. So hat man sich das vorgestellt. Aber nicht alle Zugvögel machen das. Das ist ganz eigentümlich. Es ist bei den Zugvögeln oftmals der Fall, zum Beispiel in Afrika, wenn bei uns der Frühling kommt, daß die alten Zugvögel zuerst wegfliegen und zu uns zurückkehren. Die Jungen können es dort länger aushalten, weil die noch stark sind. Die Alten machen sich früher aus dem Staub und lassen die Jungen zurück, unterrichten sie gar nicht, machen auch keine Führung; die Jungen müssen ganz allein ihren Weg finden.

[ 20 ] Einige sagten: Nun ja, die Vögel sehen ja sehr weit. - Die müßten also sehen, wie es drüben in Afrika zugeht, müßten sogar durch die Erde durchsehen! Mit diesen Dingen kommt man nicht sehr weit. Aber ich will Ihnen ein Beispiel sagen, aus dem Sie sehen können, wie die Geschichte eigentlich liegt. Man kann nämlich noch bei etwas anderem verwundert sein, wie die Sache vorwärts kommt: nämlich bei einem Schiff. Wonach richtet sich denn ein Schiff, wenn es von Europa nach Amerika fahren soll? Es richtet sich nach dem Kompaß, Als man noch keinen Kompaß hatte, ging es den Schiffen ohnedies schlecht; sie mußten sich nach den Sternen richten. Also sie richten sich nach dem Kompaß, das heißt nach den Kräften, die unsichtbar sind, die im Äther vorhanden sind. Das sind auch die Kräfte, nach denen sich die Vögel richten. Nur wir Menschen haben keinen Sinn mehr für diese Kräfte, die unsichtbar sind. Die Vögel haben aber einen Sinn dafür; die haben einen inneren Kompaß. Was wir erst mühevoll lernen, indem wir die Ätherkräfte anschauen mit dem Kompaß, mit der Magnetnadel, das hat so ein Vogel in sich. Er fliegt dem Äther nach, demjenigen, was im Weltenraum wirkt.

[ 21 ] Und so können wir sagen: Die Erde ist überall umgeben von Äther. Der Äther enthält die Lebenskräfte. Die kommen aus dem Weltenraum, nehmen die Stoffe der Erde und bereiten aus ihnen das Lebendige.

[ 22 ] Aber ein bißchen bleibt nämlich noch immer drinnen als Rest vom Leben. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel Korallenkalk nehmen, da ist in der ersten Zeit immer noch etwas darinnen, das ein bißchen ans Leben erinnert, etwas, das abgezweigt ist vom Lebendigen. Daher können Sie da noch allerlei herausfinden, was, dem Leben zugefügt, ein gutes Heilmittel werden kann. Und wenn Sie, wie gesagt, den Kiesel nehmen, der schon riesig hart geworden ist, und ihn zusetzen dem menschlichen Leben, dann können Sie namentlich Kopfkrankheiten gut heilen.

[ 23 ] Also das Lebendige ist da schon noch drinnen. Das Ganze hat einmal gelebt. Wir können nicht sagen, daß die Gesteine heute noch leben, aber sie haben einmal gelebt. Sie waren einmal Bestandteile des Lebens. Und es ist in ihnen noch ein Rest geblieben, den wir durch allerlei Mittel herausbringen können, und durch den sie als Heilmittel gut dienen.

[ 24 ] So beantwortet sich diese Frage, ob in den Steinen auch Leben sei. Wenn heute einer nur mit den Kräften, die auf der Erde wirken, nachrechnet, dann kommt er darauf, sich zu sagen: Vor Millionen von Jahren hat es auf der Erde anders ausgesehen. Ja, er berücksichtigt dabei den Himmelsraum nicht. Ich habe Ihnen schon neulich gesagt: Berücksichtigt man das, was aus dem Himmelsraum kommt, so kommt man gar nicht zu so großen Jahreszahlen, sondern da kommt man dazu, daß hier in unseren Gegenden noch alles vereist war, mit Eis bedeckt war, als in Asien drüben schon eine ganz große Zivilisation war, viel Weisheit unter den Menschen gelebt hat. Aber man kommt überhaupt dazu, einzusehen, daß in einer gewissen Weise unser irdisches Leben von dem Leben draußen im Weltenraum abhängt. Und man kann sagen: Schon wenn man sechs- bis sieben- bis achttausend Jahre zurückgeht, so ist die Erde mit ihrem Gestein ganz anders gewesen als heute, äußerlich nicht so viel, aber in ihrem Innern. Und dann kommt man weiter und weiter zurück, zum weichen Zustande der Erde.

[ 25 ] Wenn wir uns nach dem Weltenraum richten wollen, dann müssen wir auch den Weltenraum in der richtigen Weise beobachten. Nun kann man den Weltenraum dadurch beobachten, daß man den Sonnenaufgang im Frühling beobachtet. Heute geht die Sonne am 21. März am Morgen da auf, wo hinter ihr das Sternbild der Fische ist. Aber wenn man weiter zurückgeht in der Geschichte, zum Beispiel in die Zeit von Christi Geburt, da ging die Sonne nicht so auf, daß sie im Sternbild der Fische war, sondern da ging sie auf im Sternbild des Wid 26 ders. Also der Frühlingspunkt hat sich verschoben. Wenn wir das aufzeichnen, so ist es so: Wenn heute die Sonne im Frühling, am 21. März, in den Fischen aufgeht, so ging sie vor etwa 2160 Jahren im Widder auf, noch früher im Stier, noch früher in den Zwillingen. Zwölf solche Sternbilder gibt es. Die Sonne verrückt sich ja immer in ihrem Aufgehen, geht ganz herum in einem Kreise; also der Frühlingspunkt geht ganz herum um die Welt. Er rückt immer weiter von Westen nach Osten.

[ 26 ] Sehen Sie, da kommt man darauf, daß also früher die Sonne im Widder aufgegangen ist, noch früher im Stier, noch früher in den Zwillingen; dann im Krebs, im Löwen, in der Jungfrau, in der Waage, im Skorpion, im Schützen, im Steinbock, im Wassermann und heute in den Fischen. Also wenn wir 2160 Jahre zurückgehen, ist sie im Widder aufgegangen; wenn wir noch 2160 Jahre zurückgehen, ist sie im Stier aufgegangen, noch 2160 Jahre zurück: in den Zwillingen; noch 2160 Jahre zurück: im Krebs. Dann kommen wir wieder herum, und einmal ist sie schon in den Fischen aufgegangen. Wir kommen da ganz herum (es wird gezeichnet). Die Sonne macht einen Kreislauf. In 25 920 Jahren macht sie einen Kreislauf um die ganze Welt herum.

[ 27 ] Das ist sehr interessant. Und an einem solchen Gang der Gestirne kann man eben sehen, wie sich auf der Erde alles verändert. Sehen Sie, meine Herren, unter den Verhältnissen, unter denen heute die Sonne aufgeht, haben wir unsere Hochgebirge mit den toten Granitmassen, in denen Feldspat, Quarz und Glimmer drinnen ist. Da ist alles vertrocknet, verwüstet. So war es auch vor 25 920 Jahren. Da war es auf der Erde ähnlich. Aber dazwischen nicht. Dazwischen war zum Beispiel die Sonne einmal im Frühling in der Waage, zwischen Jungfrau und Skorpion. Da war eben das Ganze belebt, da war das Ganze weich und die Erde eine Art Pflanze. Wir brauchen nicht weiter als höchstens 15 000 Jahre zurückzugehen, dann ist durch den ganz anderen Stand der Sonne die ganze Erde ein Pflanzenhabitus gewesen, noch später ein Tierhabitus. Und aus dieser Einwirkung vom Weltenraum aus, den wir an der Sonne verfolgen können, kann man ja sehen, wie die Erde sich verändert hat.

[ 28 ] Also wenn Sie zurückgehen, so müssen Sie sich denken: Die Gesteine, die heute in den Uralpen ganz fest sind, die fangen an zu fließen, so wie ungefähr das Eisen fließt in den Eisengießereien, das heißt, es ist natürlich nicht ganz so, sondern wenn wir zurückgehen, so ist das Fließen zunächst umgekehrt, es ist ein Festwerden. Aber wenn wir jetzt in die Zukunft gehen, so werden wir ja wiederum einmal die Sonne in der Waage haben; denn jetzt geht sie in den Fischen auf, nach 2160 Jahren im Wassermann, dann im Steinbock, im Schützen, im Skorpion und wiederum einmal in der Waage. Und wenn die Sonne in der Zukunft wieder einmal im Frühling in der Waage aufgeht, dann haben sich die ganzen Uralpen aufgelöst. Die dichten Quarze sind wiederum wässerig geworden, die Erde wird wiederum eine Pflanze, und die Menschen und die Tiere kehren zu den Zuständen zurück, in denen sie früher einmal waren. Nur haben sie mittlerweile alles das aufgenommen, was sie auf der Erde haben aufnehmen können.

[ 29 ] So geht eigentlich alles im Kreislauf. Wir blicken also zurück auf eine frühere Zeit, wo die Erde mit dem härtesten Gebilde flüssig war. Da war dasjenige, was darüber war, so, daß sie die Tiere, die ich Ihnen einmal beschrieben habe, hervorbrachte, welche durch die Einwirkung der Himmelskräfte entstanden und starben. Dann hat sich alles abgekühlt. Dann sind die festen Gebilde entstanden, und nach und nach das heutige Leben. Aber das geht wiederum zurück. Der körnige Quarz und Granit und so weiter werden aufgelöst, und es wird wiederum ein solcher Zustand des Lebens eintreten, nur auf einer höheren Stufe der Entwickelung.

[ 30 ] Wenn Sie heute ein Stück Granit in die Hand nehmen, wo der Quarz drinnen ist, so können Sie sich sagen: In diesem Stück Granit, wo der Quarz drinnen ist, da ist zugleich etwas zu sehen, was künftig wieder leben wird. Das hat einmal gelebt. Heute ist es tot. Das hat einen festen Boden gebildet, damit wir darauf herumgehen können. Als wir noch nicht zu gehen brauchten, war der feste Boden nicht da. Aber es wird wieder einmal leben.

[ 31 ] Eigentlich kann man sagen: Die Erde schläft nur in bezug auf den Weltenraum; nur ist der Schlaf lang, 15 000 Jahre lang mindestens. Einmal hat sie gelebt. Da war sie wach, da war sie mit dem ganzen Weltenraum in Verbindung. Da hat der Weltenraum durch seine Lebenskräfte auf ihr die großen Tiere abgesetzt. Später, als das Feste entstanden ist, setzte er den Menschen ab. Jetzt haben es die Menschen gut auf der Erde, also natürlich mit Bezug auf den Weltenraum, nicht auf der Erde selber. Sie können auf dem festen Boden herumgehen. Aber dieser feste Boden wird wieder aufwachen - eigentlich schläft er nur —, wird wieder aufwachen und wird lebendiges Leben sein. Nehmen wir heute ein Stück Kalk, nur ein ganz gewöhnliches Stück Kalk aus dem Jura, so müssen wir sagen, das ist der Überrest von einem Stück Leben. Das ist aus dem Leben abgesetzt, wird aber wieder einmal leben, ist zwischen Leben und Leben, schläft eigentlich nur.

[ 32 ] Nun können wir den Kalk sehr gut verwenden, wenn wir ihn zum Heilmittel machen, dann, wenn zum Beispiel bemerkt wird, daß, sagen wir, Kinder sich nicht mehr recht ernähren können. Das ist insbesondere jetzt in Deutschland zu bemerken. In Deutschland ist es jetzt furchtbar. Neulich, als ich nach Stuttgart kam und die Waldorfschule wiederum inspizierte, war ich zum Beispiel in der ersten Klasse, da haben wir 27 Kinder, von denen waren nur 9 da; die anderen waren alle krank. In einer anderen Klasse waren 15 krank. Und wenn man dem nachgeht, dann findet man Schauderhaftes. So zum Beispiel brachte man mir einen kleinen Buben aus einer Klasse ins Konferenzzimmer und sagte: Was soll man mit dem machen? Der Arzt hat ihn schon aufgegeben. Der kann gar nicht mehr essen. — Natürlich, durch die Unterernährung bekommen die Verdauungsorgane allmählich die Gewohnheit, daß sie überhaupt nicht mehr verdauen, sie weisen alles zurück; die Menschen können nicht mehr essen, wenn man ihnen noch so viel gibt. Da können Sie Quäkerspeisungen und alles mögliche machen - diesem Kinde helfen die auch zunächst nichts, weil seine Organe nicht mehr arbeiten. Dicklich schaute es aus. - Was ist da zu tun? Da muß man die Organe erst wieder geeignet machen, daß sie etwas aufnehmen können.

[ 33 ] Da dient einem das bißchen Leben sehr gut, das im Kalk drinnen ist. Wenn der Kalk nämlich in der richtigen Weise als Heilmittel verwendet wird, dann kann man diese schlafenden Verdauungskräfte wieder aufwecken, daß das Kind leben kann. Und da muß man dann dem Kind eine solche Menge von diesem Kalk geben, aber mit anderen Stoffen zusammen, denn für sich allein wirkt er nicht; es muß eben — geradeso wie man Speisen mit anderen Stoffen zusammen kochen muß — so sein, daß er wirklich übergeht in den Organismus. Der Kalk wird dann noch aufgenommen, wenn er, sagen wir, fünfprozentig dem Kind beigebracht wird.

[ 34 ] Aber was verwendet man da, wenn man den Kalk fünfprozenug gibt? Dann verwendet man die Kräfte, die einmal in früherer Zeit Lebenskräfte im Kalk waren. Die stecken noch drinnen. Die verwendet man, um die Sache zu beleben. Wenn man aber den Kalk ganz fein macht, wie man sagt, in homöopathischer Dosis, also nicht fünfprozentig, sondern zum Beispiel fünf Zehntausendstel, nicht einmal Promille, sondern fünf Zehntausendstel, also den Kalk ganz dünn beimischt den anderen Stoffen, homöopathisch, dann wirkt der Kalk auf den Kopf, wird plötzlich ein Heilmittel für den Kopf. Gibt man den Kalk allopathisch, wirkt er auf die Verdauungsorgane; in ganz feiner Verdünnung wirkt er auf den Kopf, und darnach kann man das einrichten. Aber man kann auch wissen: Was verwendet man denn vom Kalk, wenn man ihn in ganz feiner Verdünnung gibt? Dann verwendet man die Zukunftskräfte, die jetzt noch drinnen sind, die wieder entstehen in der Zukunft.

[ 35 ] Sehen Sie, so muß man die Natur kennen, dann kann man Heilmittel aus ihr machen, weil überall Leben war und wieder Leben sein wird, und der Tod nur zwischen zwei Leben drinnen steht. Man kann die vergangenen Lebenskräfte und die zukünftigen aus dem Gestein heraus in der richtigen Weise verwenden.

[ 36 ] Daraus sehen Sie aber auch: Wenn Sie heute in die Welt hinausschauen, so haben Sie Allopathen und Homöopathen. Die Allopathen kurieren allopathisch, die Homöopathen homöopathisch. Ja, meine Herren, homöopathisch kann man eben nicht alle Krankheiten kurieren; manche muß man eben allopathisch kurieren. Da muß man die Heilmittel eben anders mischen. Das heißt, man darf kein Fanatiker werden, der auf Worte schwört, sondern man muß aus den vollen Kenntnissen heraus die Heilmittel angeben, einmal so, einmal so. Das ist bei der Anthroposophie der Fall, weil sie nicht sich einläßt auf Schlagworte «allopathisch, homöopathisch», sondern auf die Sache geht und sagt: Der Allopath geht vorzugsweise auf den Magen, Gedärme, Nieren; da hat er seinen Erfolg. Der Homöopath wirkt, wenn man den Ausgangspunkt der Krankheiten vom Kopfe hat, wie es bei der Grippe der Fall ist. Viele Krankheiten haben vom Kopfe ihren Ursprung. Man muß also wissen, wie die Dinge eigentlich laufen in der Natur. Die Menschen machen heute, weil sie nichts mehr kennen, Schlagworte. Immer macht man Schlagworte, wenn man nichts mehr versteht von der Sache. - Natürlich, die Wahrheit kommt dann auch schwer heraus, denn der Allopath sagt: Ich habe ja so und so oft kuriert, und der Homöopath sagt: Ich habe so und so oft kuriert. Natürlich lassen sie immer diejenigen aus, die sie nicht kuriert haben.

[ 37 ] Aber sehen Sie, selbst ein Arzt und Professor, der gar nicht angeklagt werden kann, daß er nicht etwa richtig in der heutigen Medizin drinnen gestanden wäre, das war der Professor Virchow in Berlin, der auch von der Freisinnigen Partei ein richtiger Liberaler genannt worden ist; aber in bezug auf das Kurieren hat er doch folgendes gestehen müssen: Wenn ein Arzt heute noch in unserer Medizin darauf hinweisen kann, daß er hundert Leute kuriert hat, so muß man eigentlich sagen, von diesen hundert wären fünfzig auch ohne ihn gesund geworden, und zwanzig Prozent, die wären, auch wenn er ganz andere Mittel angewendet hätte, auch gesund geworden. So daß also siebzig Prozent nicht auf die heutige Medizin kommen, sondern höchstens dreißig Prozent. So hat es Virchow, der ganz in der heutigen Medizin drinnen war, ausgerechnet.

[ 38 ] Ja, meine Herren, man muß eben sagen: Das richtige Heilmittel richtig angewendet, wirkt eben. Was ich über die Syphilis gesagt habe, davon kann sich jeder überzeugen. Die Quecksilberkur, wenn sie auch Nachwirkungen hat, schädliche Nachwirkungen, sie wirkt doch. Und so muß man eben das Richtige herausfinden. Manchmal ist es furchtbar kompliziert. Manchmal ist der Organismus so, daß er brüchig geworden ist und die Kur nicht mehr aushalten kann. Aber in einem gewissen Sinne kann man gerade durch eine wirkliche Kenntnis desjenigen, was in der Natur vorhanden ist, sehen, wie die einzelnen Stoffe, weil sie eigentlich als tote Stoffe nur in der Mitte stehen zwischen zwei Leben, auf den Menschen wirken. Da muß man aber das Leben der Stoffe eben kennen.

[ 39 ] Nun, meine Herren, das ist ja das Eigentümliche, daß man überall vom Leben ausgehen muß, wenn man etwas verstehen will. Und so muß man ja auch für die Farben sogar vom Leben ausgehen.

[ 40 ] Sehen Sie, wenn Sie heute manchmal Bilder anschauen, so ist das so, daß sie bemalt sind; aber man hat das Gefühl, dahinter ist ja kein Fleisch, sondern Holz, das angestrichen ist. Die Fleischfarbe, das Inkarnat, bringen die heutigen Maler gar nicht zustande, weil sie eben auch im Gefühl das gar nicht leben haben. Die Fleischfarbe wird aus dem Menschen heraus erzeugt. Sie kommt nirgends an einem anderen Stoff vor. Aber man muß die Fleischfarbe, das Inkarnat, verstehen, und dann kann man die anderen Farben verstehen. Ich werde deshalb das nächste Mal darüber noch reden.

[ 41 ] Das Kind, das man mir da gebracht hat, das mit einer Kalkkur behandelt wird - hoffentlich bringen wir es durch, daß nicht das zustande kommt, daß man sagt: die haben kein rechtes Heilmittel angewandt... (Lücke im Text) —, das hatte ganz die Fleischfarbe verloren, war gelb geworden von innen heraus. Die lebendige Wirksamkeit gehört dazu zur Farbe. Und deshalb haben wir auch den Versuch gemacht, das weniger Tote zu der Farbe zu verwenden. Deshalb haben wir, als wir das Goetheanum ausmalten, Pflanzenfarben verwendet, weil die mehr aus dem Lebendigen heraus kommen. Also Sie sehen, bei der Farbe muß man auch aufs Lebendige gehen.

[ 42 ] Am nächsten Mittwoch werde ich Ihnen das dann noch weiter auseinandersetzen.

[ 43 ] Sie sehen, die Frage ist nicht so dumm gewesen, ob die Steine auch Leben haben, sondern sie ist ganz gescheit, denn wir haben dadurch besprechen können, wie die Steine im Laufe der Lebens-Erdperiode leben, wiederum tot werden und so weiter, und wie sich das Leben dazu verhält.

First Lecture

[ 1 ] Questions are asked about colors and about rocks.

[ 2 ] I will deal with the question regarding rock first, because it can be treated quite well in connection with the things we have considered so far.

[ 3 ] As you know, when you build something on earth, you have to take the laws of gravity, the laws of weight and many others into account, for example, what we will come to in a moment, is called the law of elasticity. Imagine building a tower, let's say a tower like that of Cologne Cathedral, or building something like the Eiffel Tower. Of course, you always have to be aware that you have to build it so that the structure doesn't fall over. Now, if you know the laws of Table 1* Gravity inside out, you can build it so that the structure doesn't fall over. But the tallest towers on Earth are built in the same way, with a base area, and if you increase the base area by a factor of ten, you get the tallest towers. So the ratio of ten is the ratio at which you can build the highest towers; otherwise the towers would fall over from the vibrations that occur from the movement of the earth, from gusts of wind and so on.

[ 4 ] But you also have to take into account that such towers are somewhat elastic. The top always wobbles a little. What is known as the elastic force must be taken into account. The structure always wobbles, but not too much; as soon as it wobbles too much, it would break. The Eiffel Tower wobbles quite considerably at its top. But it must always be taken into account that it does not fall out of its base.

[ 5 ] Now, these laws are immediately disregarded when you look at, say, a stalk of wheat. A wheat stalk has a small base. In reality, it is nothing more than a tower. And such a wheat stalk, which has a small base, goes up high, and if you calculate this ratio, it is not at all what we always have to adhere to in mechanical structures, one to ten or something like that, but it is, for example, one to four hundred, and for some stalks, one to five hundred. So according to the laws that we as mechanics apply on earth, such a tower must fall over! Because when the wind shakes it, its elastic forces are not at all such that you can grasp them according to the laws that the mechanic has to follow. And if you wanted to put something particularly heavy on top of the Eiffel Tower, you would see that you couldn't do it at all. But this tower, which is a blade of grass, has an ear of corn on top that sways in the wind. You see, that contradicts all the laws of construction.

[6] Now, if you examine the materials it is made of, you first get wood, which means that what you get as a material from the examination is a wood material; then what you get is what you also know: bast. You see that in the trees. And what is still inside is a real building material, that is silica, quartz, real silicic acid. But this is hard quartz, as found in the Alps and as found in granite or gneiss, for example. This quartz forms a whole structure. And then there is water as the fourth substance. So the mortar, which is made of wood, bast, water and pebbles, does this by contradicting all earthly laws. A blade of grass is also a tower, built entirely of materials, can be swayed in the wind, does not break through, but straightens up again when the wind stops or the weather is favorable. You know that. But the forces with which something like this could be built from the earth do not exist on the earth. And if you ask: Yes, where do these forces come from? - then the answer must be: the Eiffel Tower is dead, the wheat stalk is alive. But it does not draw its life from the earth; it draws its life from the whole environment of the world. Just as the force of gravity pulls downwards on the Eiffel Tower, the stalk does not grow in such a way that it supports itself at the bottom. When we build the Eiffel Tower, we have to lay one material on top of the other, and in fact the lower material will always support the upper one. That is not the case with the stalk. The stalk is pulled out into space. If you imagine the earth and there are stalks, they are all pulled out into space, because it is all filled with a finer substance called ether, which lives in the plant. But this life does not come from the earth, it comes from space. So we can say: life comes from outer space. And that is also the reason why, as I have already told you, when the egg is forming in the mother's womb, the mother's womb only provides the substance. The whole universe is what affects the egg. It invigorates the egg. You see, the whole universe is at work in everything that lives.

[ 7 ] If you look at the plant, it first grows underground. That would be the earth (it is drawn), the plant grows inside it. But this earth is not an indifferent mass, but this earth is actually something quite wonderful. There are all kinds of substances in this earth. But in ancient times, three substances were particularly important in this earth. One of these is a substance called mica. Nowadays, it is only found in small amounts in plants. However, despite being so rarely found in plants, it is extremely important. You may remember, if you have seen mica sheets, that mica is in the form of small, sometimes transparent, sheets. And the earth was once permeated by such mica flakes. They went in the direction (see drawing). When the earth was still soft, there were simply such forces. And there were other forces facing them; they now went like this (see drawing), so that you had a real lattice in the earth. And these other forces are contained today in quartz, in pebble. And in between there is still another substance in the main, that is clay. And this clay connects these two, it fills the lattice so to speak. It is called feldspar as rock. So that once the earth consisted mainly of these three types of rock. But it was all soft, pulpy. Then there was mica, which actually endeavored to make the earth lamellar, so that the earth would have been lamellar in a horizontal direction. Then there was the pebble, which radiated in that way. And then there was the feldspar, which cemented the two together.

[8] These main components can be found today in clay, which is everywhere in the field. These three substances were once mixed up in the earth. Today, these three substances can be found in the mountains. If we take a piece of granite, it is very grainy. There are lots of splinters in it; these splinters are splintered mica flakes. Then there are very hard grains in it; that is the pebble. And then there are connecting grains in it; that is the feldspar. These three substances are crushed, made grainy, and today you can find them in the mountains outside. They form the basic masses of the hardest mountains. Thus, ever since the earth was soft, they have been crushed, trampled, and jumbled up by all the forces at work in the earth, and today they are worn down in the mountains outside. But remnants of these ancient substances, especially the forces of these ancient substances, can still be found everywhere in the earth. And from these remnants, plants are built throughout the universe.

[ 9 ] We can therefore say: Yes, if these world forces are at work in the mountains today, they can no longer do anything. There, these rocks are worn down, crumbled, pulverized, and they are too hard for plants to become. But what is inside the earth can still be used to build the plant from space, because the earth still releases its most important substances and forces to the germ.

[ 10 ] You see, gentlemen, such a consideration, in which one takes into account how the whole of space contributes to the living, such a consideration does not exist at all in today's science. Recently, as you may have read, a lecture was given in Basel; there they discussed how life actually came to Earth, and the lecturer in question said: Yes, it is difficult to imagine that life comes from mere mixing or chemical combinations of substances on Earth; then it must come from outer space after all. But how? It is interesting how a modern scientist imagines that life can come from outer space. He says to himself: Well, if it is not on Earth, then it must come from other stars. Now, the nearest star, which may have once shaken away substances from itself that would then have flown to Earth, is so far away from Earth that these substances, which are splintered off there, would have taken forty thousand years to fly to Earth. So one would have to imagine, people said, the Earth was once fiery-liquid, a fiery body. There could have been no life on it, otherwise it would have burned up, of course. But the Earth cooled down. When it had cooled down, it was in such a state that it could now take in life, if it had flown to it from the nearest star, from which one thinks that it could have come, from where it would have taken forty thousand years.

[ 11 ] Now one cannot imagine, the person in question said, that a germ of life, a small germ of life, wandered through space for forty thousand years, which, moreover, has a cold temperature, not a warm one, but a cold temperature of minus 273 degrees Celsius. Then it would arrive on Earth, and when it arrives on Earth, life would arise on Earth. Before that, no matter how many germs could have flown there, they would have burned up. And when the Earth had cooled down enough, they would have thrived. But that could not be, said the person in question. So we do not know where life comes from.

[ 12 ] But it can be seen that it comes from outer space. It can be seen that in that which lives, not only the forces of the earth are at work. For we use the forces of the earth for the Eiffel Tower, for example. And in a tower like this (in the wheat stalk), it is not only the forces of the earth that are at work, but the forces of the whole universe. And when the earth was still soft, when mica, feldspar and quartz were floating around in a liquid state, the whole earth was under the influence of the universe, and it was a huge plant. Therefore, if you go out into the mountains today and find granite or gneiss, which differs from granite only in that its mica is more numerous, more prominent, if you go out into the mountains today and look at the granite or gneiss, then these are the remains of these ancient plant formations. The whole earth was a plant. And just as, when a plant perishes today, it hands over its mineral components to the earth, so the whole body of the earth handed over its mineral components to the earth when it was still a plant. And that is where you have the mountains today. So that one can say: the hardest mountains that have been formed, these hardest mountains, they have emerged from the plant being, and the whole earth was a kind of plant.

[ 13 ] I have already told you what the earth looked like when this rock just stopped being a plant but was still soft. Our present-day animals and humans did not live then, but the Megatherium and all those animals I have told you about. But before all this had happened, the earth was a giant plant in space. And when you look at a plant today in such a way that you enlarge it, you can still find today: what is inside it looks very similar to the mountain formations outside, because the life that comes from outer space only affects the whole plant; the small parts are already rock mass. The earth was once alive, and what we find today in the hardest mountain rocks is what was left of the way the earth once lived.

[ 14 ] But the hard material, the rock material of the earth, also arises in another way. If you go out into the ocean, you will find island formations in the ocean. So that is the sea (it is drawn). A certain distance below the sea, there are small animals that live in colonies: the corals. These coral animals have the peculiarity that they constantly secrete lime. The lime then remains there, so that the island is covered by such deposited lime coming from the corals. And sometimes the ground here sinks, goes down, so that even a lake is created. Then there is a ring of lime that the corals have left behind. In fact, the earth is constantly sinking in those areas where the corals secrete their lime, so that the lime of the coral animals, which can only live in the sea itself, goes deeper and deeper. So that one can say: Even today, you can find limestone deposits in the sea that originate from animals, namely from coral animals. In the past, wherever there was Jurassic limestone, there were animals. They deposited the limestone.

[ 15 ] If you go to the Central Alps, where the stones are hard, you will find what the plants have deposited there. If you go to the Jura here, you have what was deposited by animals. After all, the whole Earth was once alive. Originally it was a plant, then an animal. What we have today as rock material is the remains of life.

[ 16 ] It is simply nonsense that life is built up from dead matter through chemical compounds. Life comes from the cosmic space that the ether fills. It is nonsense that dead substances can mix together and come to life, which is called “abiogenesis”. No, the dead substances come from the living, are separated from the living. Just as our bones are a separate entity (we do not have them in the womb), so everything, including our bone structure and so on, is formed out of the living. The living comes first, and only afterwards does the dead come. It is the case that the ether surrounds us, and the ether draws everything upwards just as the earth's gravity draws everything downwards. But it pulls up, while it does not, like gravity, kill. The more you breathe in the heaviness, the more you become gouty or diabetic or something; the more we become dead. And the more the forces that go upwards assert themselves in us, the more alive we become.

[ 17 ] Now I come to part of Mr. Burle's question. So, if I think I have a person in front of me who is somehow ill, I can say: He lacks the ability to radiate out into the universe. He has too much gravitational force. All kinds of things are deposited in him. Now I remember: Gosh, I say to myself, the pebble was once that which radiated forces out into the universe. If I prepare the pebble in such a way that the old forces come to life again in it, if I turn the pebble into a medicine, mixing it with other substances, so that the pebble regains its old etheric power, I can use it to heal. And with this pebble medicine one can have great success. So in medicine, one can use these forces that were once present in the living thing in the pebble, and in general, medicine can achieve great results if one reflects on what the earth was like when it was still fully alive, when the pebble was still influenced by space. If there is too little life in a person and they need a connection to space, then substances are administered that lie hardened outside and that can very well be used as medicines.

[ 18 ] The head is most open to the cosmic space, therefore it can be most easily cured with silica; the belly is most open to the earth, therefore it can be most easily cured with mica. And what lies more in the middle, lungs and so on, that heals very well with feldspar, if it is prepared in the appropriate way.

[ 19 ] Now, you see: if you understand nature, you actually also understand the healing powers in human nature. But you have to have an appreciation of the fact that the cosmos works together with our earth.

[ 20 ] You see, certain things can only be explained in certain places. From a different perspective than we took a while ago, because we hadn't progressed that far yet, I can explain the flight of birds. Yes, today's science thinks very abstractly about the migration of birds in autumn and spring. The birds leave their warmer habitats in spring and, when it gets colder, the more northern areas in autumn. But there are also birds that fly across the ocean. And it is very peculiar, these birds fly very fast and do not rest in between. This can be proven because there are no islands at all on the routes that such birds sometimes take. People do not realize what these birds are guided by. Some have said: Well, that is an inherited trait; the young have always inherited it from the old, and the old birds then teach the young, and then it goes quite well that the young can do it too. So when autumn comes, the old swallows set up a school, the young are taught, the old fly ahead, the young behind and imitate them. That is how it is imagined. But not all migratory birds do that. That is very peculiar. It is often the case with migratory birds, for example in Africa, when spring comes here that the old migratory birds fly away first and return to us. The young ones can stay there longer because they are still strong. The adults leave earlier and leave the young ones behind, they don't teach them at all, nor do they guide them; the young ones have to find their way all by themselves.

[ 20 ] Some said: Well, the birds can see very far. They should be able to see what it is like over there in Africa, they should even be able to see through the earth! You don't get very far with these things. But I will tell you an example from which you can see how the story actually is. You can be amazed at something else, namely how things progress: namely on a ship. What does a ship use to navigate when it is supposed to travel from Europe to America? They use the compass. Before people had compasses, ships had a very hard time; they had to navigate by the stars. So they use the compass, that is, the forces that are invisible, that are present in the ether. These are also the forces that birds use. Only we humans no longer have any sense for these invisible forces. But birds have a sense for them; they have an inner compass. What we first have to learn with difficulty by looking at the etheric forces with a compass or a magnetic needle, a bird has within itself. It flies according to the ether, according to that which works in the universe.

[ 21 ] And so we can say: the earth is surrounded by ether everywhere. The ether contains the forces of life. These come from outer space, take the substances of the earth and use them to create living things.

[ 22 ] But a little bit always remains inside as a remnant of life. If you take coral limestone, for example, there is still something in it at the beginning that is somewhat reminiscent of life, something that has been diverted from the living. Therefore, you can still find out a lot from it, which, added to life, can become a good remedy. And if, as I said, you take the pebble, which has already become extremely hard, and add it to human life, then you can effectively cure head diseases in particular.

[ 23 ] So the living is still in there. The whole thing was once alive. We cannot say that the rocks are still alive today, but they were once alive. They were once components of life. And there is still a remnant in them that we can bring out through all kinds of means, and through which they serve well as a remedy.

[ 24 ] This is how the question of whether there is also life in stones is answered. If someone today only uses the forces that act on the earth to do the calculations, then he comes to the conclusion that millions of years ago the earth looked different. Yes, he does not take the celestial space into account. I already told you the other day: If you take into account what comes from outer space, you don't arrive at such large dates, but you come to the conclusion that here in our regions everything was still frozen, covered with ice, when in Asia over there there was already a very great civilization, much wisdom lived among the people. But one comes to realize that in a certain way our earthly life depends on life out there in space. And one can say: Even if you go back six to seven to eight thousand years, the earth with its rock was quite different than it is today, not so much on the outside, but on the inside. And then you go further and further back, to the soft state of the earth.

[ 25 ] If we want to judge by the universe, then we must also observe the universe in the right way. Now, one can observe outer space by observing the sunrise in spring. Today, on March 21, the sun rises in the morning where the constellation of Pisces is behind it. But if you go further back in history, for example to the time of Christ's birth, the sun did not rise with Pisces behind it, but with Aries opposite the sun. So the vernal point has shifted. If we plot this, it is as follows: While the sun rises in Pisces on March 21, the spring equinox, 2160 years ago it rose in Aries, even earlier in Taurus, even earlier in Gemini. There are twelve such constellations. The sun always moves in its rising, going all the way around in a circle; so the vernal point goes all the way around the world. It moves further and further from west to east.

[ 26 ] You see, that earlier the sun rose in Aries, even earlier in Taurus, even earlier in Gemini; then in Cancer, in Leo, in Virgo, in Libra, in Scorpio, in Sagittarius, in Capricorn, in Aquarius and today in Pisces. So if we go back 2160 years, it rose in Aries; if we go back another 2160 years, it rose in Taurus; another 2160 years back: in Gemini; another 2160 years back: in Cancer. Then we come full circle again, and once it has already risen in Pisces. We come full circle (it is drawn). The sun makes a cycle. In 25,920 years it makes a cycle around the whole world.

[ 27 ] That is very interesting. And from the movement of the stars, we can see how everything on Earth changes. You see, gentlemen, under the conditions under which the sun rises today, we have our high mountains with the dead granite masses, in which feldspar, quartz and mica are found. Everything is dry and desolate. It was the same 25,920 years ago. The earth was similar then. But not in between. In between, for example, the sun was in Libra, between Virgo and Scorpius, in spring. At that time, the whole thing was alive, the whole thing was soft and the earth was a kind of plant. We don't need to go back further than 15,000 years at most, then, due to the very different position of the sun, the whole earth had a plant habitus, and even later an animal habitus. And from this influence from space, which we can follow from the sun, we can see how the earth has changed.

[ 28 ] So if you go back, you have to imagine that the rocks that are now very solid in the Ural Alps will begin to flow, much like iron flows in iron foundries. Of course it's not quite like that, but if we go back, the flow is initially reversed, it becomes solidification. But if we now go into the future, we will once again have the sun in Libra; because now it rises in Pisces, after 2160 years in Aquarius, then in Capricorn, in Sagittarius, in Scorpio and once again in Libra. And when the sun rises in the spring in Libra again in the future, then the entire Ural Alps will have dissolved. The dense quartz has become watery again, the earth will become a plant again, and humans and animals will return to the conditions they once were in. Only now they have absorbed everything they could absorb on earth.

[ 29 ] So everything actually goes in a cycle. We are looking back at an earlier time when the Earth was liquid with the hardest structure. What was above it was such that it produced the animals that I once described to you, which were created and died through the influence of the heavenly forces. Then everything cooled down. Then the solid structures emerged, and little by little today's life. But that goes back again. The granular quartz and granite and so on will be dissolved, and again such a state of life will occur, only at a higher level of development.

[ 30 ] If you take a piece of granite today, where the quartz is inside, you can say to yourself: In this piece of granite, where the quartz is inside, you can see something that will come to life again in the future. It was once alive. Today it is dead. It formed a solid ground so that we can walk on it. When we did not yet need to walk, the solid ground was not there. But it will live again.

[ 31 ] Actually, one can say that the Earth is only asleep in relation to the universe; it is just a long sleep, at least 15,000 years long. Once it was alive. Then it was awake, then it was connected with the whole universe. Then the universe, through its life forces, deposited the great animals on it. Later, when the solid had developed, it deposited man. Now people have it good on earth, that is, of course, in relation to the universe, not on the earth itself. They can walk around on the solid ground. But this solid ground will wake up again – actually it is only sleeping – it will wake up again and will be living life. If we take a piece of chalk today, just an ordinary piece of chalk from the Jurassic, we have to say that it is the remnant of a piece of life. It has been deposited from life, but will live again, is between life and life, is actually only sleeping.

[ 32 ] Now we can use the lime very well when we make it into a remedy, for example when it is noticed that, say, children can no longer eat properly. This is particularly noticeable in Germany now. It is terrible in Germany now. Recently, when I came to Stuttgart and inspected the Waldorf School again, I was in the first class, for example, where there were 27 children, only 9 of whom were there; the others were all sick. In another class, 15 were sick. And if you look into it, you find something dreadful. For example, they brought a little boy from one class to the conference room and said, “What should be done with him? The doctor has already given up on him. He can't even eat anymore. — Of course, due to malnutrition, the digestive organs gradually get into the habit of not digesting at all; they reject everything; people can no longer eat, no matter how much is given to them. You can do Quaker feeding and all sorts of things, but they won't help this child at first, because his organs no longer work. What can be done? The organs have to be made suitable again so that they can absorb something.

[33] The little life that is in lime is very useful for this. If lime is used in the right way as a remedy, then these dormant digestive powers can be awakened so that the child can live. And so you have to give the child such a quantity of this lime, but together with other substances, because it does not work on its own; it must be - just as you have to cook food together with other substances - so that it really passes into the organism. The lime is then still absorbed when it is, let's say, five percent of the child's diet.


But what do you use when you give the lime five percent? Then you use the forces that were once life forces in the lime in the distant past. They are still in it. These are used to revitalize the substance. But if you make the lime very fine, as they say, in a homeopathic dose, not five percent, but for example five ten-thousandths, not even one-thousandth, but five ten-thousandths, so that the lime is added very thinly to the other substances, homeopathically, then the lime works on the head, suddenly becomes a remedy for the head. If you give the lime allopathically, it affects the digestive organs; in very fine dilution, it affects the head, and you can arrange it accordingly. But you can also know: what do you use of the lime when you give it in very fine dilution? Then you use the future forces that are still in it, which will arise again in the future.

[ 35 ] You see, you have to know nature to make remedies out of it, because there was life everywhere and there will be life again, and death is only in between two lives. You can use the past life forces and the future ones from the rock in the right way.

[ 36 ] But from this you can also see that if you look at the world today, you have allopaths and homeopaths. The allopaths cure allopathically, the homoeopaths homoeopathically. Yes, gentlemen, not all diseases can be cured homoeopathically; some have to be cured allopathically. In such cases, the remedies have to be mixed differently. This does not mean that you should become a fanatic who swears by words, but that you should prescribe the remedies based on your full knowledge, sometimes in this way, sometimes in that. This is the case with anthroposophy because it does not get involved in buzzwords such as “allopathic, homeopathic”, but gets down to the matter at hand and says: the allopath preferably goes for the stomach, intestines, kidneys; that is where he has his success. The homeopath works when the starting point of the diseases is from the head, as is the case with influenza. Many diseases originate in the head. Therefore, one must know how things actually work in nature. People today, because they know nothing, make buzzwords. You always make buzzwords when you no longer understand the subject. Of course, the truth is then hard to come by, because the allopath says, “I have cured so and so often,” and the homeopath says, “I have cured so and so often.” Of course, they always leave out those they have not cured.


But you see, even a doctor and professor who cannot be accused of not having been at the forefront of today's medicine was Professor Virchow in Berlin, who was also called a true liberal by the Free Party; but in terms of curing, he had to admit the following: If a doctor today can still point out in our medical practice that he has cured a hundred people, it must actually be said that of these hundred, fifty would have recovered even without him, and twenty percent would have recovered even if he had used completely different means. So that only thirty percent can be attributed to today's medicine, at most. That is how it was for Virchow, who was completely immersed in today's medicine.

[ 38 ] Yes, gentlemen, it must be said: the right remedy, used correctly, works. Everyone can see for themselves what I have said about syphilis. The mercury cure, even if it has after-effects, harmful after-effects, it still works. And so you just have to find the right thing. Sometimes it is terribly complicated. Sometimes the organism is so fragile that it can no longer withstand the treatment. But in a sense, it is precisely through a real knowledge of what is present in nature that one can see how the individual substances, because they are actually dead substances only in the middle between two lives, affect people. But you have to know the life of the substances.

[ 39 ] Well, gentlemen, that is the peculiar thing, that you have to start from life if you want to understand anything. And so you even have to start from life for the colors.

[ 40 ] You see, when you look at pictures today, they are painted; but you get the feeling that there is no flesh behind them, but only wood that has been painted. Contemporary painters cannot achieve flesh color, the incarnate, because they lack the feeling of it being alive. Flesh color is produced from within the human being. It does not occur in any other material. But one must understand flesh color, the incarnate, and then one can understand the other colors. I will therefore talk about this again next time.

[ 41 ] The child that was brought to me, who was treated with a lime cure – hopefully we will manage to prevent that from happening, so that they don't say: they didn't use the right remedy... (gap in the text) —, had lost all its flesh color, had turned yellow from the inside out. The living activity belongs to the color. And that is why we also made the experiment of adding less dead matter to the color. That is why we used plant colors when we painted the Goetheanum, because they come more from the living. So you see, with color you also have to go to the living.

[ 42 ] Next Wednesday I will discuss this with you in more detail.

[ 43 ] As you can see, the question of whether stones have life was not a stupid one, but a very clever one, because it allowed us to discuss how stones live during the life-earth period, become dead again and so on, and how life relates to this.