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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 42

Es ist in diesem Winterdunkel
Die Offenbarung eigner Kraft
Der Seele starker Trieb,
In Finsternisse sie zu lenken
Und ahnend vorzufühlen
Durch Herzenswärme Sinnesoffenbarung.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 11

Es ist in dieser Sonnenstunde
An dir, die weise Kunde zu erkennen:
An Weltenschönheit hingegeben
In dir dich fühlend zu durchleben:
Verlieren kann das Menschen-Ich
Und finden sich im Welten-Ich.

—Rudolf Steiner

It is, within this winter gloom,
The strong endeavour of the soul
To manifest her innate power,
To lead it into darknesses
And feel a premonition
Through warmth of heart, of senses' revelation.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

It is your task in this Sun-hour
The tidings, wisdom-filled, to recognize:
Surrendered now to cosmic beauty,
To feel yourself in self, experience this:
The human "I" can lose itself
And find itself in cosmic "I".

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

This hour of sunless gloom
evokes a forceful impulse in the soul
to open and reveal the strength in her,
to make her way into the darkest places
and there what senses later shall impart
feel as a telling warmth about the heart.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

This warm and sun-drenched hour
a sermon holds if thou hast ears to hear:
Absorbed into the world's fair show
live thou thy feeling through and through,
within thee say, 'I lose myself as man
and find myself to be the World I am.'

—Tr. Owen Barfield

In these dark gloomy days of Winter
The Soul's own strength is manifest
In strong desire to guide
Its course within the realms of darkness
And in anticipation
Through warmth of heart to feel sense-revelation.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

In this Sun-hour it now behoves thee
To pay attention to the wise instruction:
To beauty of the World surrendered,
With inward feeling to experience:
Self can be lost by human I
And found again in Cosmic I.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Within this dusk of winter
Soul’s robust impulse strives
To show the strength that is its own:
To guide it into darkness,
And feel ahead divining,
Through warmth of heart,
Sense-revelations coming.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

In this Sun-hour it is
For you to know what wisdom tells:
To beauty the world surrendered,
Within yourself to live and feel:
The human I can both be lost
And found within the Cosmic I.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

Within this winter darkness
Tis thine, O Soul, to show
The power of thine inner strength,
To guide thyself in shadows,
To feel ahead through warmth of heart
The senses' revelation.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

Tis thine, in this the sun's own hour
Its teaching wise to learn,
Surrendered to the beauty of the world
Within thyself through feeling to experience:
The self of man may lose itself
And in the Cosmic Self be found again.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

In this deep winter darkness
A mighty urge impels the soul
To manifest her inner strength,
To guide it into darknesses
And feel as dawning vision
Through warmth of heart the senses' revelation.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

In this the sun's most glorious hour
It rests with you to know this word of wisdom:
Surrendered to the beauty of the world,
Feeling yourself within your Self, experience this:
The human I can lose itself
And find itself within the Cosmic I.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

Within this winter-gloom
The soul's impulse is strong
To manifest her proper power,
To guide herself to realms of darkness
And in divining to forefeel
Through warmth of heart the senses' revelation.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

In this, the Sun's own hour, it is for thee
To recognize the tidings wisdom-filled:
To beauty of the Worlds now yielded up,
Feeling thyself in thee, experience this:
The human I can lose and find
Itself within the Cosmic I.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

Within this winter gloom
It is the soul's strong urge,
Its own strength to manifest,
To lead it into realms of darkness,
And thus anticipating feel
Through warmth of heart the senses' revelation.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

In this Sun-hour it rests with you,
To comprehend wise tiding's call: —
While to World-beauty wholly given
And feeling Self within - experience
'The I of man can lose itself
And in the I of worlds can find itself.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

In this gloom of winter,
my soul's own strength is revealed
in its yearning urge to pass through
darkness and oblivion —
to feel its way forward —
anticipating the dawn
of sense revelation
through the warmth
of my heart.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

In this, the 'Hour of the Sun,'
it is up to you to realize
the tidings of wisdom.
Surrendered to the world's beauty,
feeling yourself within yourself,
you are to experience this:
the human *I* can lose itself —
then find itself in the cosmic *I*.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

In this the shrouding gloom of winter
The soul feels ardently impelled
To manifest its innate strength,
To guide itself to realms of darkness,
Anticipating thus
Through warmth of heart the sense-world's

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

In this the sun's high hour it rests
With you to understand these words of wisdom:
Surrender to the beauty of the world,
Be stirred with new-enlivened feeling;
The human I can lose itself
And find itself within the cosmic I.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

In the depths of winter’s lair,
Stirs the soul and strives to bear
Impulses that are rightly there;
Into darkness take the field,
Notions filled with feeling wield,
In warmth of heart is all revealed.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

It’s up to you in these sunny hours
Wise tidings to come to know:
Surrender to the world’s beauty,
Experience the feeling that it is you:
Human-I can be set aside
To find oneself in World-I.

—Tr. John Riedel MD