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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 22

Das Licht aus Weltenweiten,
Im Innern lebt es kräftig fort:
Es wird zum Seelenlichte
Und leuchtet in die Geistestiefen,
Um Früchte zu entbinden,
Die Menschenselbst aus Weltenselbst
Im Zeitenlaufe reifen lassen.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 31

Das Licht aus Geistestiefen,
Nach aussen strebt es sonnenhaft:
Es wird zur Lebenswillenskraft
Und leuchtet in der Sinne Dumpfheit,
Um Kräfte zu entbinden,
Die Schaffensmächte aus Seelentrieben
Im Menschenwerke reifen lassen.

—Rudolf Steiner

The Light from world expanses
Lives on within me forcefully:
Transforms to light of soul
And shines into the Spirit depths,
To liberate the fruit
That may let ripen human self
In course of time from cosmic Self.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

The light from depths of spirit
Strives outward like the sun itself:
Becomes the force of will-to-live
And shines into the senses' dullness,
To liberate the forces,
Whereby creative powers ripen
From soul incentives in the works of Man.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

Bravely the Light from far and wide
lives on in me; translated into life
light of the world turns into light of soul,
irradiating Spirit-deeps
to loosen and set free
fruits in whose working Self of Worlds
ripens in course of time to Selves of men.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

Light — is it Sunlight? — out from Spirit-deeps
struggles to shine;
translated into lively strength of will
clear through the cloudiness of sense it burns,
releasing energy that turns
passionate drives into creative thrust
that ripens into work amongst mankind.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

The Light from Cosmic distance
Within me powerfully lives on;
To Light of Soul it waxes,
And shines within the depths of Spirit
To bring to birth a fruitage
Whereby in time the human Self
From out the Cosmic Self shall ripen.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

The Light from depths of Spirit
It striveth outward like the Sun,
'Tis changed to force of living Will,
And radiates in Sense's deadness
To bring to birth the forces
Which powers creative from Soul's endeavours
Can make mature in human action.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

The light from worldwide space
Lives strongly on inside me:
Soul light it now becomes
And shines into my spirit’s depth,
To bring forth there the fruits
That in the course of time let ripen
The human Self from cosmic SELF.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

The light from spirit depths
Strives outward like a sun;
It turns to strength of will for living
And shines into the sense-world’s dullness,
Releasing forces that allow
Creative pow’r from soul’s true impulse
To ripen in my human work.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

The light from cosmic distances
Lives on with power within,
Transformed into the soul's own light,
And shining into Spirit depths,
It liberates those fruits
Which from the cosmic Self
The human self in course of time will ripen.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

The light from Spirit depths
Streams outward like the sun's own light.
Transformed into a force of living will
It shines within the darkness of the senses,
Striving to set free the powers
Which will permit the soul's creative energies
To ripen into human deeds.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

The light from cosmic spaces
Lives on within myself with strength:
Becomes the light of soul
And shbtes into the spirit depths,
There to release the fruits
That in the course of time let ripen
The Human Self out of the Cosmic Self.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

The light from spirit depths
Strives outward like the sun itself:
Becomes life's fiery force of will
And shines into the senses' dullness,
There to release the forces
That in the work of man let ripen
Creative powers out of soul impulses.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

The Light from world-wide spaces
Lives on in me with strength,
It turns to light of soul
And shines into the depths of spirit
The fruits to liberate
Which in the course of time will ripen
The Self of Man out of the Self of Worlds.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

The light from spirit depths
Strives outward like the Sun,
It turns to strength of will for living
And shines into the senses' dimness,
Forces to liberate
Which ripen from the soul's impulses
Creative powers in the work of Man.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

The light from world-wide spaces
Lives powerfully on within.
It turns to light of soul
And shines into the Spirit depths
The fruits to liberate, which let
The Self of man from Self of worlds
Mature in time's continuing flow.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

The light from Spirit depths
Sun-like, it outward strives;
It becomes life's will power
And shines within the senses' dullness
To free the forces that let ripen
Creative might from the soul's impulses
In all the work of man.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

The light from all around the universe
Powerfully survives within me.
It will become the light of my soul
And shine into the spirit depths —
To liberate fruits from the cosmic self
and let them ripen —
within the course of time —
Into my own human self.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

The light from the depths of the spirit —
Striving outward like the sun —
Becomes the force of life and will,
And shines on the senses' dullness —
In order to liberate
Powers of creativity
From the urges of the soul,
And so to let them ripen as the deeds
Of women and of men.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

The light from world-wide spaces
Works on within with living power;
Transformed to light of soul
It shines into the spirit depths
To bring to birth the fruits
Whereby out of the self of worlds
The human self in course of time shall ripen

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

The light from spirit depths
Strives to ray outwards, sun-imbued;
Transformed to forceful will of life
It shines into the senses' dullness
To bring to birth the powers
Whereby creative forces, soul-impelled,
Shall ripen into human deeds.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

The light from world expanse,
Lingers strongly on within:
It becomes the light of the soul
Illuminating in spirit depths,
So that fruit is given birth,
Human-self from world-self,
Allowed to ripen in course of time.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

The light from spirit depths
Strives outward sun-imbued:
It becomes the willed force of life
And glows in sensory dullness,
To releases such strength,
That creative might in trials of soul
May ripen in human deeds.

—Tr. John Riedel MD