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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 10

Zu sommerlichen Höhen
Erhebt der Sonne leuchtend Wesen sich;
Es nimmt mein menschlich Fühlen
In seine Raumesweiten mit.
Erahnend regt im Innern sich
Empfindung, dumpf mir kündend,
Erkennen wirst du einst:
Dich fühlte jetzt ein Gotteswesen.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 43

In winterlichen Tiefen
Erwarmt des Geistes wahres Sein;
Es gibt dem Weltenscheine
Durch Herzenskräfte Daseinsmächte;
Der Weltenkälte trotzt erstarkend
Das Seelenfeuer im Menscheninnern.

—Rudolf Steiner

To lofty summer heights
The gleaming being of the Sun ascends,
It takes my human feeling
Along with it to space expanses.
In boding, stirs within my being,
Sensation, dimly heralding,
One day you will discern:
A godly being sensed in you.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

Within the depths of winter
True nature of the Spirit waxes warm,
It grants to cosmic sheen
Through force of heart, the weight of presence,
Defying cosmic cold the flame of soul
In core of Man is growing strong.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

Nearer the peak of his midsummer heights
the climbing sun uprears his blazing head;
he takes along with him my human heart
into the boundlessness of space;
deep down and dimly I am made aware
that one day I shall know:
'But now a godlike being felt you there.'

—Tr. Owen Barfield

In deepest winter's grip
true Spirit-being quickens into warmth;
it through the forces in the heart bestows
on what the world as void Appearance shows
Reality, existence, power,
defying winter's freezing cold,
fanning a human soul's interior fire.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

To lofty heights of Summer
There mounts the radiant Being of the Sun;
It bears my human Feeling
Away into its widths of space.
Sensation stirs within my Soul,
And dim foreboding tells me:
Thou wilt in future know:
There touched thee now a Godlike Being.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

In darkest depths of winter
True life of Spirit grows in warmth;
It gives the world of semblance
Through strength of heart the power of being;
The fire of Soul within Man's nature
Defies with strength the cold-gripped Cosmos.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

To summer’s lofty heights
The sun uplifts his radiant Being;
He bears my human feeling
Abroad into His spacious realm.
Bespeaks its dim perception:
The time will come when you will know
A god’s own Being felt you now.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

Within the depths of winter
True spirit life grows ever warmer,
It gives the world appearance
Through heart’s force, pow’r of being
The fire within my human soul
Defies with growing strength world’s cold.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

To heights of summer skies
The sun in shining majesty ascends;
He bears my human feeling
Abroad through all his realms of space.
And with a dim surmise within
A feeling rises, secretly to say:
Some day hereafter thou wilt know
Divinest Being touched thy being then.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

The true being of the Spirit
Rames up in winter's depths,
Creative forces rising from the heart
Fill full the panorama of the world,
Strengthening in spite of the world's cold
The fire of soul within man's mind.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

To lofty summer heights
The sun's resplendent being rises;
It takes my human feeling
Along into its vast abode of space.
Dawning within, a vision stirs,
A feeling, dimly hinting:
One day you will discern:
A Godly Being felt you now.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

In muffled winter depths
True essence of the Spirit waxes warm,
Bestows upon the world's fair glory
Through forces of the heart the power to exist.
Within man's core the soul's own fire,
Defying worldly cold, is rising higher.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

To lofty Summer heights
The radiant Being of the Sun arises;
It takes my human feeling
Into its own wide realms of space.
Divining, Feeling stirs
Within me, dimly warning me:
In time to come thou'lt know:
A God did feel thee then.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

In wintry depths profound
The spirit's very being gathers warmth,
It gives to cosmic glory,
Through forces of the heart, the power to Be.
The fire of soul in Man
Grows stronger and defies the cosmic cold.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

To lofty summer heights
The sun lifts up its radiant being,
It takes my human feeling
Along into its wide domains.
In depths of soul sensation stirs,
And my divining darkly tells:
'In time you will come to know
A being Divine has felt you now.'

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

In the depths of winter
True Spirit being grows in warmth;
It gives to the world's fair glory
Through heart-forces power to be.
Soul-fire gaining strength in man
Braves the cold of worlds.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

High in the summer heights,
the illuminating Sun-being rises
and carries my human feeling
into the far reaches of space.
Deep within me
a foreboding sensation occurs —
faintly it tells me:
One day you will realize
that today, a divine being felt you.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

Down in the wintry depths,
the true essence of spirit is seething —
it is endowing cosmic appearance
with powers of existing
through forces of the heart.
The fire within the human being,
now growing strong,
defies cosmic cold.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

To summer's radiant heights
The sun in shining majesty ascends;
It takes my human feeling
Into its own wide realms of space.
Within my inner being stirs
Presentiment which heralds dimly,
You shall in future know:
A godly being now has touched you.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

In winter's depths is kindled
True spirit life with glowing warmth;
It gives to world appearance,
Through forces of the heart, the power to be.
Grown strong, the human soul defies
With inner fire the coldness of the world.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

To summery heights the Sun’s being
Radiantly raises itself;
It takes my human feelings along
Into its spacious realm.
An inner notion begins to stir,
An impression dimly heralding
What one day you will realize:
You were felt just now by a being divine.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

In the depths of wintery waste
Warming spirits truth embrace;
In worldly frost true life does start
In inner purity of the heart;
In growing strong the cold is trounced,
And mankind’s spark of soul announced.

—Tr. John Riedel MD