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Riddles of the Soul
GA 21

9. Closing Remark

I shall not go into all the “attacks” that have been made recently, not against anthroposophy, but against me personally. This is not appropriate here partly because these attacks lack any true scientific character; and for the other part, they are of a purely personal nature, are not based on any factual foundation but upon hatefulness, and in the great majority of cases the attackers know quite well that their assertions are objective untruths.

IV-9. Schlussbemerkung

[ 1 ] Auf allerlei «Angriffe», die in letzter Zeit nicht auf die Anthroposophie, sondern auf meine Person gemacht worden sind, gehe ich hier nicht ein. Zum Teil ist dies deshalb hier nicht angängig, weil diese «Angriffe» eines wahren wissenschaftlichen Charakters entbehren; zum Teil sind sie rein persönlicher Art, beruhen nicht auf sachlichen Grundlagen, sondern auf Gehässigkeit, und in den weitaus meisten Fällen wissen die Angreifer ganz gut, daß, was sie behaupten, objektive Unwahrheiten sind.

IV-9 Concluding remarks

[ 1 ] I will not respond here to all kinds of "attacks" that have recently been made not on anthroposophy but on my person. In part this is not appropriate here because these "attacks" lack a true scientific character; in part they are of a purely personal nature, are not based on factual foundations but on spitefulness, and in the vast majority of cases the attackers know quite well that what they claim are objective untruths.